Learning & Teaching


Be it the wizardary if “Harry Potter”, the hobbits of “The Lord of the Rings”, the superstitutious of “The Kitchen God’s Wife” or the poignant account from “The Diary of Anne Frank”, students of SFCC are getting a kaleidoscopic view of many writers. It is not uncommon to see keen readers making a beeline at the school library for books of their choice or discussing latest novels with their teachers and friends.

Students; disgruntled grumbles heard three years ago “Oh dear, not ”DEAR” again” has changed to their infectious enthusiasm of looking forward to the “DEAR” lessons two times each cycle. The whole school falls into silence when it reads. Believe me, you can hear a pin drop! Teachers and students leave their woes and worries aside and embrace a book. They then move beyond into the subliminal world of fantasy and utopia and savour the fine print on the many pages.

Since its inception three years ago, the “DEAR” programme has been growing in strength year by year and its popularity is evidenced by the escalating figures in book-borrowing habits of students, their many positive comments and the insightful book reports. “DEAR”, indeed, has become an integral part of the school and its curriculum and is here to stay at SFCC for years to come!


To help students to

  • Use Chinese and English proficiently for study, work, leisure and effective interaction in different cultural environments
  • Develop worldwide outlook through broadening their knowledge
  • Develop their ability to understand, enjoy and appreciate creative works in Chinese and English by writers from different cultures

Specific Objectives

  • To immerse students in a conducive reading environment
  • To develop and foster a reading culture in school
  • To enhance students' motivation through a structured and systematic reading programme

The number of 'DEAR' lessons for the various forms is as follows:

  • Form 1, 4 & 5 - 2 (Day 1 & 3)
  • Form 2 - 1.5 (Day 1 & every other Day 3)
  • Form 3 & 7 - 1 (Day 1)
  • Form 6 - 0.5 (In alternate cycles with Home time on Day 5)

In order to provide an envrionment of extended reading, the following arrangement will be put into effect:

  • Cycles 3 – 7, 15 – 17 & 21 – 23 - Chinese ‘DEAR’
  • Cycles 8 – 12, 18 – 20 & 24 – 28 - English ‘DEAR’

(Students read only Chinese/English books for the specified duration except Form 4 students who follow the SBA pattern)