School News

20 Jul 2024




01 Jul 2024

Citizenship and Social Development mainland study tour 2024

F.5 students participated in the CS mainland study tour as an experiential learning activity to echo the issues and elements in the formal curriculum of this core subject. Organised by the Hong Kong Education Bureau, nine CS teachers and F.5 Form/ Co-Form teachers accompany the girls to visit the Guangji Bridge, one of the “for major ancient Chinese bridges” and Paifang Street, a tangible cultural heritage that illustrates that merge the resemblance of ancient Chinese life and modern commercial activities. As an integral part of the DSE CS curriculum, this tour serves as a precious opportunity for Form 5 girls to explore the traditional cultures of our country. It covers different traditional Chinese cultural elements including the visit to Memorial Temple of Hang Yu, Hundred Masters’ Museum and Intangible Cultural Heritage Porcelains Exhibition Hall.           

Among the renowned cultural heritages, the Chaozhou ancient city is preserved next to lots of shops, this shows that historical culture and economic development can both be conserved. Ancient City Wall of Chaozhou was constructed in Tang Dynasty, it is a testament of Chinese history as it has a long history. It connects with me deeply as its attractive appearance in both daytime and nighttime shows the beauty of Chinese culture which is approved in ancient times and modern times.

By highlighting these iconic elements of Chinese culture, the painting invites viewers to explore the fascinating and multifaceted nature of this ancient civilization. It is a window into the deep-rooted traditions, art and architectural marvels that have shaped China's unique character over the course of its long and powerful history.


28 Jun 2024

Leadership Training Camp for Potential Leaders

The leadership training camp for potential leaders was successfully held on 28 June 2024. This event aims to develop the leadership skills of promising students who are interested in taking on roles as presidents, vice presidents, or members of the executive committees (excos) of various student clubs and organizations.

The camp consisted of an intensive one-day program that included a variety of team-building activities designed to challenge the participants and help them hone their leadership abilities. The event was well-attended, with over 30 students from form 1 to 4 participating. One of the key takeaways for the participants was learning how to communicate clearly with others. They practised active listening skills, learned techniques for expressing their ideas and opinions effectively, and explored strategies for facilitating productive discussions. The camp also emphasised the importance of developing confidence in their ability to lead.

During the entire camp, the energy and enthusiasm of the participants was palpable. As they left the camp, they all felt empowered and determined to make a difference in the school. What a remarkable day!


22 Jun 2024

The 3rd Hong Kong Cheerleading Open Championships & Invitation Tournament

On 22ndJune, our School Cheerleading Dance Team members participated in the 3rd Hong Kong Cheerleading Open Championships & Invitation Tournament organized by the Cheerleading Federation Of Hong Kong, China. Our two teams, SFCC1 & SFCC2 won the Gold Award and Sliver Award respectively in the division of Performance Cheer Junior (Small) Pom.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our coach, Ms. Viola Yeung, for her guidance and coaching. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to our team manager, Ms Ho and the parent volunteers from PTA. We couldn’t have accomplished without their helps.

Team SFCC1                         

4A Ariel Chow

4D Charlie Au- Yeung

2D Kate Ho

1A Kally Yu

1B Janie Fung

Team SFCC2

1A Ellie Chan

1B Ashley Chow

1B Caliss Wong

1C Austine Chan

1D Annice Tong




31 May 2024

“Law-abiding Elite Training Scheme”

Having seen the resounding success of the last Civic Awareness Competition, the Civic leaders were honored to present their hard work and dedication in the forum of “Law-abiding Elite Training Scheme” (「識」法精英培訓計劃) held by the Hong Kong Association of Youth Development to share their experiences.

Encompassing training workshops, informative talks and sharing sessions by celebrities, the programme aims at fostering students to establish a holistic view of Constitution and Basic Law. After organizing five-week events to promote social consciousness at schools, passionate student ambassadors from more than 10 schools gathered to share the joy brought by this insightful activity.

Through the sharing of expertise and government officials, students enhance their understanding of the close relationship between two laws and our daily lives, which echoes the duties of our civic leaders. We were glad to see that our school ambassadors have exchanged their innovative thoughts and experiences with like-minded students on this platform. With leadership skills and determination to overcome hurdles, they will carry on the values of this scheme, making concerted efforts to raise the awareness of public issues among schoolmates.


23 May 2024


公民教育組於五月二十三日舉辦與基本法及電台廣播訓練相關的主題講座,並邀得基本法基金會研究員和項目主任陸子瑋先生及電台DJ主持范振鋒先生主講。 陸先生在講座中推廣基本法,提高同學對《基本法》的認知和理解,增強同學對香港基本制度的認同感。 而范先生詳細介紹了電台DJ的工作內容以及所需技能,啟發學生對廣播事業的興趣,亦為他們未來的職業發展提供了寶貴的導向。


09 May 2024

Kee Wah Bakery traditional Chinese pastry workshop

Initiated by the civic education team, 15 F.4 and F.5 girls were thrilled to have the opportunity to visit the Kee Wah Bakery workshop. The experience of making traditional Chinese pastries was valuable and enriching. During the workshop, students had the opportunity to actually make the pastries like a Kee Wah staff. With the guidance of the chef, the process of baking was smooth. From kneading the dough to wrapping the fillings into it, they knew a lot more about the fascinating skills preserved in the traditional Chinese culture, as well as the components of the pastries that they enjoyed.

"The experience of making pastries at KeeWah Studio has helped me regain the confidence of baking. Additionally, I have realised that I should not be held back by past failures. The experience encourages me to be bold in dealing with fears and overcoming challenges."
----------5B Scholastica Chung

"The most memorable event was the mixing part. I tried very hard to mix the solid pig oil with the flour to form a dough, however the instructor did it very quickly and easily. This also proved the fact that “Practice makes perfect”. After the workshop, I think the tradition of making Chinese pastries was indeed impressive. I was impressed by the complicated procedures of making just a few pastries. I would like to join more of these workshops in the future."
----------4C Amanda Fung 


08 May 2024


在今年紀念會祖聖瑪大肋納嘉諾撒誕辰250周年之際,我們以 "Reaching Out – Set Life on Fire" 作為慶典主題。在這次分享中,師姐Dr. Lina Chow勉勵同學走出舒適區,主動關注有需要的人。而同學們亦透過不同的服務實踐會祖仁愛謙遜的精神,並以感恩、尊重和承擔的態度,讓身邊的人認識並愛慕主耶穌。特別值得關注的是今天的貧窮者,他們都是那些受到冷漠對待、被忽視或被遺忘的人。期望同學們能效法會祖,走進貧窮者中,與他們同行,並傳承會祖的精神。



04 May 2024

“Golden Bauhinia Square National Flag Raising Ceremony 2024”

As representatives of the civic education team, Red Cross members Jenny Law(5A), Jasmine Lo (5B), Gladys Wong(4A), Beatrice Wong(4B), Gigi Chan(3B), Bonnie Chan(3B), Cheyenne Wong(3D), Erin Chow(2A) and Selene Chiu(2D) participated in the “Golden Bauhinia National Flag Raising Ceremony 2024” held on the 4 th May 2024. The activity was organised by the Committee of Youth Activities in Hong Kong Limited and aimed to strengthen the national pride of young people in Hong Kong and inherit the spirit of May Fourth Movement (1919). It is an honour of our girls to participate in this meaningful event.


02 May 2024

The ICAC drama show 《糖衣 Bakery》

Initiated by the Civic Education Team, we were glad to have the ICAC drama show "糖衣 Bakery" presented through an interactive workshop during the H.T. program on May 2, 2024, for our F.3-F.5 students. The purpose of this show was to raise awareness among our schoolmates about the dangers of corruption and how to handle ethical dilemmas. By inspiring us and providing a comprehensive understanding of corruption, ethical dilemmas, and the importance of integrity in both school and our daily lives, the show helped us develop into responsible and ethical citizens.


02 May 2024

Inter-class Civic Awareness Competition 2024

Arousing Civic awareness and nurturing national and global citizenship are crucial in students’ learning journey. In order to engage students with self-initiation, the Civic Education Team has organized the Inter-class Civic Awareness Competition for our junior form students. The competition was successfully held on 2nd May, 2024. Led by our civic leaders, the competition was conducted through e-platform. All students got the chance to showcase their knowledge and understanding towards our community and country through their electronic devices. Students were also invited to share their thoughts and reflections on related issues by completing reflective worksheets. We congratulate all the participants for their excellent performance. Students’ demonstration of sense of civic responsibility and accurate understanding to the country’s Constitution is undoubtedly encouraging. We sincerely believe that this inspiring learning journey is an inevitable step that enables them to become responsible and engaged citizens.


23 Apr 2024

Discover the Joy of Reading: World Book Day Celebrations at SFCC Library

This year, our school library hosted a series of exciting activities to celebrate World Book Day on 23rd April. A captivating book-sharing session was held, featuring our principal, Mr. Law, and teachers Mr. Kan and Ms. Choy, who shared their favourite books and offered valuable insights on fostering a reading habit. In addition, two engaging and informative videos were specially created and aired to all students during the Form Teacher Period. These videos shed light on the origins of World Book Day and featured book recommendations from teachers.

To enhance the festivities, a delightful fun fair was organized. Two game booths were set up in the gymnasium to provide opportunities for students to delve into the world of famous book characters and discover recommended reads by local actors and K-pop stars. The students thoroughly enjoyed the games and had the chance to win prizes. Lastly, accompanied by two teachers, some of our students visited a bookstore to procure their beloved books for our school library.

Our World Book Day celebrations were a resounding success, igniting a love for reading among our students. Through engaging activities like book sharing, videos, a fun fair, and book purchases, we promoted the joy and importance of books in our school community.


17 Apr 2024

SFCC Career Expo Sparks Inspiration and Broadens Horizons for Students

The Franciscan College community came together on April 17th, 2024, for a groundbreaking event that left a lasting impact on students. The Careers Expo@SFCC proved to be an ingenious initiative that connected our current students with our accomplished alumni, igniting inspiration, empowering them by broadening the horizons of future career choices. 

Inspired by our visionary Principal, the semi-formal gathering aimed to strengthen the bond among Franciscans while encouraging students to explore diverse career paths. The Alumni’s participation was crucial, as they shared their invaluable experiences and journeys, revealing that many had ventured into professions completely unrelated to their university majors.

The theme of the expo offered a new perspective to students, who believe that the subjects they choose would determine their degree programs and their future career paths. However, after attending the event, there has been a paradigm shift from the linear train of thought towards a growth mindset where students realize the importance of embracing the unknown and exploring alternative paths.

The event’s resounding success showcased the commitment of SFCC in nurturing a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom.


15 Apr 2024

National Security Education Day 2024 --- Talk on national security education

Our civic leaders and class representatives of the core subject Citizenship and Social Development from various classes, were glad to have the opportunity to participate in the online talk related to national security, which was co-organised by Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers and Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong. They represent SFCC to take part in the “National Security Education Day 2024”, in order to raise the whole school’s awareness to the significance of defending national security, and to promote the importance of law-abidingness. This event serves as an inevitable step for students to increase their consciousness to national development and strengthen their sense of national identity.


08 Apr 2024

Visiting the polar research icebreaker "Xue Long 2"

The first polar research icebreaker "Xue Long 2" docked in Hong Kong on 8 April 2024. Some F.4 students, Hayley Wong, Fiona Mak, Chloe Choi and Sophie Tse, took the opportunity and participated in the Welcome Ceremony of Xue Long 2's Visit cum Tour, organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers.

Our students were able to get a close-up view of the ship which deepened our pride in our motherland's scientific research achievements.  They even got the chance to admire the interior of the ship. They could access areas such as the marine sampling room, the laboratory, and the helipad, complete with the ship's "Snow Eagle 301" helicopter. This event was undoubtedly a valuable experience for our students; it is hoped that their understanding and awareness of polar expeditions will be enhanced, as well as their interest and enthusiasm in exploring the polar regions.


31 Mar 2024










21 Mar 2024

Joint school workshop on sustainable development: Visiting SPC

Our civic leaders Hayley Wong (4A), Hailey Lau (4B) and 4C Amanda Fung (4C), accompanied by green ambassador Karine Kwong (3A) are thrilled to have the opportunity to pay a visit to St. Paul's College. They are honour to represent SFCC to take part in the “SDG Action and Awareness Month workshop” Lohas Festa” organised by the sustainability society of St. Paul’s College. They got the chance to participate in various types of sustainable activities, including the production of paper folders with recycled materials. This event has greatly increased their environmental consciousness and deepened their understanding of the sustainable development of Hong Kong.


21 Mar 2024

Joint School Staff Development Day: Visiting the Greater Bay Area

On 21st March, 2024, our teachers took the invaluable opportunity to pay a visit to Shenzhen Shekou Yucai Education Group Yucai High School, SZMS Nanshan Innovation School, and The Experimental School of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, with teachers from Sacred Heart Canossian College and St. Mary’s Canossian College. With the eye-opening experience, teachers exchanged views on STEAM education, curriculum planning, and educational beliefs. Partaking in the interaction, substantial information and experiences that benefit our education are shared.


16 Mar 2024

家長教師會高中講座系列 ------- 建立正向情緒與新世代生涯規劃

生活緊張,學習上面對重重的困難和壓力,又要面對很多人際關係上的問題,同學們因此常常都會感到灰心沮喪。作為家長,如何幫助女兒們除去負面的情緒呢?本校於2024年2月24日,邀請了香港城市大學正向教育研究室服務督導郭啟晉先生,主領中四至中六級家長講座,主題為「如何協助子女建立正面情緒」。郭先生指出要先安頓情緒,而不是解決情緒,亦即是家長需要接納女兒的憤怒或不安的負面情緒,之後協助女兒將負面情緒轉化為正面能量。同時,家長要明白女兒發洩憤怒情緒的原因,彼此傾談,從而建立良好的親子關係。講座後, 羅校長和英文科科主任蔡老師與家長及同學分組,分享學習心得,以幫助同學改善學習技巧,使能好好預備公開考試。

此外, 於2024年3月16日,本校亦舉行了中五級家長講座,由社會服務機構「加減乘除」項目主任及香港科技大學梁家樂博士主領,主題為「升讀大學,何去何從?」講員指出在新時代,香港學生面對很多社會轉變,大學的學科組合亦有新的趨勢,新興學科逐漸受歡迎,家長和子女不妨多作了解,給予自己多選擇。同時,面對這些轉變和挑戰,家長可從旁協助和支持。講座第二部分是由升學輔導組余慧賢老師解釋2025聯招的程序和注意事項,當中包括各項呈交的文件和日期。最後,家長和學生會面班主任和副班主任,從中商討如何回應及預備考試的要求和聯招的程序。


12 Mar 2024

Sports Day

 Our annual Sports Day took place on 12th March, 2024 in the Aberdeen Sports Ground. All our students participated enthusiastically in a range of sporting events. The relay race in particular gave an opportunity to our Franciscans to foster team spirit and encouragement to each other. Congratulations to all the winners!


06 Mar 2024

“Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2024”

Our civic leaders, including the chairlady Zoe Chan (5B), vice-chairlady Joanna Ng (5A), Peace Lo (5A), Hayley Wong (4A), Hailey Lau (4B), Amanda Fung (4C), Eunice Ng (4C), Catherine Lam (4D), Dorothy Lai (5C) and Cherry Lo (5C) participated in the “Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2024” held on 12th March 2024. Organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the activity aimed to provide a precious chance for youth student leaders to communicate and exchange their opinions on government’s policy-making. Our civic leaders have the grasped the opportunity to interact with the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, Mr. Chan Mo-po, Paul. They expressed their concerns over various perspectives of the government budget issued in February 2024, as well as shared their views with the representatives from different schools and social sectors. This event was undoubtedly a refreshing experience for all our civic leaders, it is hoped that they will maintain their passion and awareness to current issues and keep exploring their sense of belonging to the community.


07 Feb 2024

Admission Application for S2 to S4

Applications are now open to S2 to S4 students for the school year 2024-25.

Applicants are required to download the New Student Data Form and submit the completed form together with supporting documents (Refer to page 5 of the New Student Data Form) in person to the school office during office hours* or by post on or before 3 June, 2024.  

*School office hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

Selected applicants are requested to sit for a written entrance examination (Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics) on 15 June 2024 (Saturday). Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview which will be conducted in English.

Successful applicants will be notified individually. The application is considered as unsuccessful if the school does not contact the applicant by 1 August, 2024.

02 Feb 2024

The inter-school Athletics Competition (Division 3 - Area 3)

 The inter-school Athletics Competition (Division 3 - Area 3) organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China was held on 25th, 30th January and 2nd February. It is our honour to have Ms Justina Ng and Ms Ashley Cheung to be our coaches this year.  We are grateful for the support and encouragement given to our girls not only by the coaches but also respective families and teammates. Our hard work paid off after the 5-month intensive training, and we achieved remarkable results.


Group Results



A grade


B grade


C grade



Class and Name


Position (Final)

5B Agnes Lee

A Grade 200M


5A Gigi Lam

A Garde 400M


2D Katelyn Tse

A Grade 800M


3A Chita Ng

A Grade High Jump


2D Katelyn Tse

A Grade Long Jump


1A Charlotte Fung

2D Katelyn Tse

4B Cherry Leung

5B Agnes Lee

A Grade 4x100M Relay


5A Gigi Lam

1B Babi Ng

2D Charmine Ng

3A Chita Ng

A Grade 4x400 M Relay


4D Stefanie Fung

B Grade 200M


1A Yuki Wong

B Grade 100M Hurdles


4D Stefanie Fung

B Grade Long Jump


3D Charis So

B Grade Short Put


1A Yuki Wong

2A Lotus Chan

4D Katie Mok

4D Stefanie Fung

B Grade 4x100M Relay


1B Hailey Wong

2A Zoe Law

3A  Michaela Chen

3A Jetta Yung

3D Jasmine Lee

B Grade 4x400M Relay


2A Eva So

C Grade 200M


2B Fenice Lam

C Grade 400M


2B Fenice Lam

C Grade 800M


2A Katy Chow

C Grade Short Put


2A Eva so

2B Hannah Chen

2C Charlie Yip

2C Jaclyn Wong

C Grade 4x100M Relay


2B Rene Chan

2B Fenice Lam

2B Emma Leung

2C Zoe Poon

C Grade 4x400M Relay




19 Jan 2024

Extended Learning Day

 The Extended Learning Day was successfully held on 19 January 2024. Various activities were organised for different levels to expand knowledge, foster creativity, and cultivate new skills. The immersive educational activities include S1 organic farm field trip, S2 Chinese History Panyu trip, S3 & 4 Careers programmes and S5 horse riding.

Students were encouraged to engage actively in these activities, fostering team spirit, boosting self-confidence, and forging stronger bonds among peers. The diverse range of learning experiences provided valuable opportunities for students to develop holistically as lifelong learners, reaping the benefits of a well-rounded education.

As our students discover endless opportunities for growth and make the most of their learning journey, this day has been particularly remarkable.



21 Dec 2023

Christmas Celebration

The Christmas celebration held on 21st December 2023 was a resounding success, leaving behind wonderful memories filled with joy and excitement. One of the highlights of the event was the Dress-down Day, which allowed students to come to school in casual wear. This year, the primary objective was to raise funds for Orbis, an esteemed charitable organization dedicated to fighting blindness worldwide. 

The day was brimming with activities that showcased the students' creativity and enthusiasm for the spirit of Christmas. Talent shows and games added an extra layer of excitement. It truly became a magical occasion, uniting everyone in a celebration of love, kindness, and the birth of baby Jesus. Heartfelt gratitude goes out to the students, teachers, and staff members whose contributions made this event an exceptional success. Such events not only bring us all together but also instill a sense of unity and support for charitable causes.

May the impact of this remarkable Christmas celebration endure, and may the funds raised for Orbis contribute significantly to their mission of combating blindness worldwide.


13 Dec 2023

155th Anniversary Open Days

The 155th Anniversary Open Day, dated 8th to 10th December 2023, were successfully held. It is a whole school event aiming to celebrate the 155th Anniversary of our School.

The kick-off ceremony was held at the school hall with an opening speech delivered by the principal, Mr. Kenneth Law and started with the performance of the school choir and Orchestra. An array of exciting events and activities were planned to commemorate this special milestone, such as Talent Show- Singing and Dance performances, Game Booths, and STEM Activities. To deepen public understanding of our school, two sessions of the S1 Admission Information Talk were held. The public, students, and teachers were seen having fun at different activities.

As the highlight of the 155th Anniversary Open Day, we are honored to have invitied the renowned Chinese musician Ms. Hsin Hsiao-ling to perform a recital on 10th December. The response to this performance event was enthusiastic. The audience not only can enjoy the wonderful music but also can benefit from an eye-opening experience of the concert.

The final event of the 155th anniversary was the alumni reunion - the Poon Choi gathering. Following the delighting performance of the school chamber music team, alumni who joined the event treasure the chance to reconnect with old classmates, reminiscing their fond memories.

We are grateful that students, parents, and the public can celebrate the 155th anniversary with us and join the related events, witness the development and achievements of our school over the years together. Thank you for joining us! 

Please click here to view the highlights!


06 Dec 2023

Tram Set Sail Ceremony: A Momentous Start to St. Francis' 155th Anniversary and Open Days

On 4 December 2023, our school community gathered with great excitement at the Tram Depot on Whitty Street to witness the Set Sail Ceremony of St. Francis' Anniversary Tram. Led by our principal, Mr. Kenneth Law, the event was attended by the designer of the tram body, Scarlett Chan of F.5B, along with her parents and four schoolmates. Their infectious enthusiasm showcased their eagerness to embark on personal journeys of growth and discovery.

The ceremony set a vibrant tone for the upcoming Open Days, scheduled from 8th -10th December 2023. Visitors can anticipate engaging experiences as they explore our school's offerings. This Tram Set Sail Ceremony not only marked the beginning of St. Francis' 155th anniversary celebrations but also ignited anticipation and excitement for all involved.

Keep an eye out for Tram #88, as it will be making its rounds around the Hong Kong Island for 4 weeks starting from 4 December 2023, on one of the 6 routes shown.


04 Dec 2023

「國家憲法日」 - 國旗下的短講與相關活動



30 Nov 2023


 學校主保聖人—聖方濟各(St. Francis of Xavier),他一生以熱切的心神敬拜上主,遠道東亞各地傳揚福音。在這遙遠而艱巨的傳教生活中,遇上不少困難和危險,但仍能一一克服,全心依靠天主。今年的主題 —— 「來跟隨,去見證」。透過活動和嘉賓的分享,加深同學對聖人的認識,並樂意以身體力行,效法聖人在生活中為基督作證。



23 Nov 2023

Formation of Heart

Six Catholic Formation sessions are conducted during Home Time for Catholic students. The student leaders will take on the responsibility of preparing and hosting the event, with valuable support from Sr. Betty, who will provide informative talks on Catechism during the initial sessions. Furthermore, the students will actively engage in preparing activities for their peers. Catholic students gather in small groups to respond to some reflective questions after each session. 

Six spiritual development programs are arranged during Home Time for non-Catholic students. We aim to create a nurturing environment where students can explore their spirituality and deepen their relationship with God. Additionally, we will invite guest speakers to deliver talks on ethics and faith. Throughout the programs, we instill moral values such as gratitude, respect, sacrifice, and forgiveness.



18 Nov 2023

中四級家長講座 (18-11-1023)



18 Nov 2023

Swimming Gala

The much-anticipated Swimming Gala took place at Victoria Park Swimming Pool on November 17th, and it was a resounding success. Students displayed great enthusiasm and actively participated in the event, giving their best efforts to score points for their respective houses. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and cheer as they competed. St. Valentina House was the champion of the C grade section, while St. Nicolaus House was the champion for the B grade section, A grade section and secured the overall championship of the Swimming Gala. Heartfelt congratulations go to the winning houses and all the victorious individuals in the gala. It was a day that will be remembered fondly, as everyone experienced joy and delight. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future, providing opportunities for students to shine and revel in joy.


04 Nov 2023

家長教師會週年會員大會暨家長講座 (4-11-2023)



03 Nov 2023

2023-24 S1 Admission Information Talks


02 Nov 2023

School Picnic – Extended Learning Activity in Disneyland

It was the most awaited day of the year. Our school picnic was held on 2nd November 2023. Hong Kong Disneyland Park was a terrific choice for a picnic destination for students to learn while having fun. Students had an enjoyable day exploring the different themes of fantasies and fairytales through immersing in Disney’s classic characters and stories. They had fun playing different rides and attractions with their classmates and teachers. More importantly, students had to complete “Disney Values Education Magical Journey” to reflect how they embark on the road to success and create the legendary like Walt Disney.


13 Oct 2023

“Variety Show in Celebration of the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC

As representatives of the civic education team, Red Cross members Yani Leung (6A), Elizabeth Lan (6B), Jasmine Lo (5B), Beatrice Wong (4B), Bonnie Chan (3B) and Erin Chow (2A) participated in the “Variety Show in Celebration of the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China” held on 13th October 2023 at Queen Elizabeth Stadium. This activity was organized by the Wan Chai District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee of Wan Chai District Office, which aimed to celebrate the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. Our Red Cross members, as the first school to apply for the establishment of Youth Unit in Hong Kong (Youth Unit One), were invited to take charge of the flag raising ceremony in the beginning of the event. We hope that this activity serves as a precious experience to our Red Cross Team, which encourages them to continue to reach out and serve the community in the future.


11 Oct 2023

“Meeting with the District Officer of Wan Chai”

Coordinated by the Home Affairs Department Wan Chai District Office, student union and civic education team of our school, F.3 – F.5 students are glad to have the opportunity to interact with Ms. Cheung Ngan Ling, Fanny, the District Officer of Wan Chai. Through communicating with Ms. Cheung, students develop understanding to government’s initiative in “improving governance at the district level”. Our girls expressed their opinions to social development and exchanged their views with Ms. Cheung sincerely. All students are required to complete a reflective worksheet to show their understanding and reflection on the topic. This was surely a fruitful experience for all participated students, we hope that they can sustain their awareness to social issues and build up a strong sense of civic responsibility.


07 Oct 2023


家長義工積極參與 攜手推動家校合作



05 Oct 2023

公民教育講座 — 「國家環保政策發展」



01 Oct 2023

慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十四周年 – 升旗儀式與國旗下的短講



16 Sep 2023

S6 Catholic Students’ Retreat

Gratitude is indeed a gift and a privilege. Have you ever thought of the fact that when you lament the lack of clothes you owned, some in developing countries may be suffering? To help our S6 Catholic students open up their hearts to love and be strengthened by God, the Canossian Mission organized a retreat for all Canossian S6 Catholic students on September 16. Fr. Joseph Yim‘s sharing aroused our attention of the hardships the impoverished faced around the globe, and has inspired us to take action to express gratitude for the gifts we received from God, like things we owned and education we are lucky enough to receive. We are also reminded not to take anything for granted and to always be ready to reach out to those in need of help.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)


15 Sep 2023

SA Election

The election of the executive committee of the Student Association was successfully held on 15 September 2023 despite the delay due to inclement weather conditions in the previous week. After months of preparation and hard work, the proposed cabinet, Vestar, showcased their fruitful achievements on stage. They brilliantly answered questions prepared by the current SA exco members and went through a challenging game session. The audience was absolutely charmed by their eloquence and intelligence. Demonstrating strong team spirit and confidence, the new SA exco members are dedicated to serve their fellow Franciscans. According to the constitution, Vestar, being the only cabinet running for the election this academic year, automatically becomes the Student Association of the academic year 2023-24. Congratulations!


15 Sep 2023

House Election

 Our House Election on September 15 was a great success. Outgoing house captains reported on last year's activities, and the new committee members introduced themselves to the school. They shared creative video clips displaying support from students and teachers, creating an exhilarating atmosphere filled with excitement. Students and teachers cheered passionately for their respective houses, fostering a sense of unity and school spirit. We congratulate the newly elected student leaders and pray for their wisdom as they serve as role models for fellow Franciscans. The event showcased the dedication and hard work of our school community, and we look forward to the positive impact our student leaders will make.


15 Sep 2023

School Official Opening Mass

On September 15, all students and teachers celebrated the school's official opening mass and the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The mass celebrant, Rev. Dominic Lui Chi Man, elaborated on the school's yearly theme of respect, reminding us to love God and His creation, including ourselves. He emphasized the importance of maintaining good health and unleashing our talents to the fullest. Lastly, he quoted Pope Francis's homily from World Youth Day, encouraging young people to shine, to listen, and to be unafraid.



07 Sep 2023

2023-2024 Student Association Proposed Cabinet Vestar

 It’s the time of the year again! Tomorrow is the big day of the student association election 2023-2024. We are delighted to introduce our proposed cabinet - Vestar. Let’s know more about them!


04 Sep 2023

School Reopening

The school-opening programme started with the National flag-raising ceremony for the whole school. 

Mr. Law welcomed the students and the new Form One girls. He mentioned the need of being an environmentally-friendly school and reducing carbon footprints. Representatives from the Discipline team briefed the students on regulations and introduced the school uniform requirements. The SA shared information on club enrolments and encouraged the students to actively participate in activities to explore their unique talents. We had our prize presentation ceremony to recognize students’ achievements in the previous academic year. To grace this special occasion, Mrs. Janet Lai, the Vice-chairlady of the Parent Teacher Association, joined us and presented the awards. The assembly ended with the school song. 
May the divine grace of the Lord shower His blessings upon the school as we embark on the commemoration of our 155th year of rich history.


22 Aug 2023

Summer Bridging Programme (16-18, 21-22 August 2023)

Our 5-day-Summer Bridging programme has been a great success. After years of influence due to the pandemic, our newly joined Franciscans are finally able to fully engage in the range of activities and courses tailor made for them.
The programme began with a morning prayer. Mr. Law, our principal, delivered a welcoming speech, followed by an introduction by our vice principal and a briefing by the discipline master. The eagerly anticipated moment arrived as the students met their form teachers for the first time.

We believe that whole-person development is of the utmost importance in secondary education. Following the taster programme of core subjects, our newcomers were accompanied by their form teachers in the values education home program led by Mr Remus Kwok from City University of Hong Kong. Student leaders from the Student Association, the four houses, sports team, music team, and the counseling team collaborated to organize engaging orientation programs. These initiatives aimed at familiarizing F1 newcomers with the school culture and provide them with a well-rounded introduction. The charming smile and enlivening enthusiasm have uplifted the spirit of students and teachers alike.

We extend a heartfelt welcome to our incoming Franciscans! May their school life be brimming with joy and accomplishments.


08 Jul 2023

Graduation Ceremony

On 8 July 2023, proud parents, family members and guests watched on as our Form 6 students embarked on one of their last major milestones of their secondary school life. 82 graduates walked across the stage in the School Hall to mark the completion of their secondary school education.
Dr. Amelia Wong, an alumna of St. Francis', graced the occasion as the guest of honour. She shared her own experiences and reflections on how to overcome adversities,  inspiring the graduates to embrace the obstacles to reach the next stage of joy. Her personal thoughts, values, and experiences served as a great source of motivation for the graduates.
Valeria Lau, the Head Prefect, expressed her gratitude to the school and parents on behalf of the Class of 2023. In her vote of thanks, she acknowledged that "graduation may mark the end of our secondary school life, but it also signals a brand new chapter of our life stories. It is a milestone." She encouraged her fellow graduates to embrace love, truth, and faith as they pave their own paths and become women of integrity and charity.
Indeed, graduation is not an end, but the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of these educated and humble young ladies.
Parents and Students may access the "Photo Album" to revisit the fond memories of the day. 


05 Jul 2023




29 Jun 2023

鄂港樂聚 同根同心




29 Jun 2023

變臉藝術展奇技 手工藝班樂體驗 「美哉中華文藝匯萃日」






17 May 2023

Inter-class civic awareness competition 2023

The Inter-class Civil Awareness Competition was successfully held on 17th May, 2023. Organized by the Civil Education Team, the competition aims at promoting civic education and raising awareness about civil issues among students. The competition was engaging, with our F3 and F4 class representatives showcasing their civic knowledge and understanding towards our community and country. The champion Class 3A, while the first runner-up and second runner-up went to Class 4C and Class 3C respectively. We congratulate all the participants for their excellent performance. We are proud to see our students demonstrating a strong sense of civic responsibility and engagement, to be a responsible and engaged citizen who can contribute positively to our society.


12 May 2023

English Fun Day - Where Language meets Laughter

The English Fun Day event, held on 12 May, was a resounding success. This is a whole school event aiming at providing an opportunity for students to apply their English language skills in a fun and relaxed environment.
Blessed with beautiful weather, the kick-off ceremony was held at the school basketball court with an opening speech given by the principal and our guest of honour from Wall Street English, Mr. Jack Hollywood.
The rest of the day was no less exciting! Students and teachers were seen having fun at game booths playing a variety of language games and chatting in English. The highlight of the event was the Book Character Contest, where students displayed their creativity dressing up as Book characters including Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, Dorothy and the Witch in The Wizard of Oz, August in Wonder, Enola Holms, Willy Wanka … to name but a few. The actresses' excellent acting and the skilled narration brought the scenes to life. The performances were of such high quality that it was a challenge for the adjudicators.
Our P5 students from SFCS also joined in the fun. They played games at the booths with great enthusiasm, smiling with satisfaction while practising English skills and winning numerous prizes.
The English Fun Day was a shining example of how language learning can be both enjoyable and educational. Featuring the school’s educational philosophy, the event nurtures autonomous learners and provides opportunities for our students to unleash their potentials.
The success of the English Fun Day is the result of concerted effort by the whole school. Thank you, all! 


11 May 2023




10 May 2023

CS post-tour sharing session

Class representatives from each F.5 classes were invited to share their outstanding creative designs, which serve as the post-tour reflection task of the CS mainland study tour. They were encouraged to express their feeling and reflection on their experiences of the tour. As a part of experiential learning, our students were glad to have the chance to share their insights in an artistic way. The six best designs generated from pubic election were awarded with different prizes. Moreover, we are pleased to have Ms. Lau, professional consultant from Hong Kong Education Bureau, to be our guest. She provided generous feedbacks for our students. Without her inspiration and dedication, the sharing session would not have been held such successfully. We sincerely hope that F.5 girls have grasped this precious opportunity to explore their talents yet enrich their understanding of traditional Chinese culture. 


08 May 2023



是次慶典的主題為「起、動、愛」,嘉賓 (Carmen) 向同學分享她為了幫助基層人士,毅然放棄大學教席,盼以廚師身分為有需要的人提供健康飲食,傳揚基督的愛。耶穌曾說:「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做」。(瑪25:40) 願聖神引領同學「起、動、愛」,回應天主的召叫,走進別人的生命,服務他人,感受天主是愛。


05 May 2023

Singing Contest

The Singing Contest held on 5th May, 2023 was a huge success. We are glad to have Ms Jiff Nagnouma Yuen, Mr P. Emond and Ms. T. Sau as our honorable judges.

Being the highlight of the year, the Singing Contest allows students to cultivate their class spirit and showcase their talents. Standing confidently on stage and accompanied by piano music and drum beats, students sang in unity. Audience cheered at the fascinating work of synchronization and the exquisitely-made props made by each class. What a wonderful occasion to develop and demonstrate class spirits!


04 May 2023

“Golden Bauhinia National Flag Raising Ceremony 2023”

As representatives of the civic education team, Red Cross members Yani Leung (5A), Elizabeth Lan (5B), Lo Ying Sum (5B), Jenny Law (4A), Jasmine Lo (4B), Cindy Sze (3A), Beatrice Wong (3D), Gigi Chan (2B), Sarah Tse (2B) and Cheyenne Wong (2B) participated in the “Golden Bauhinia National Flag Raising Ceremony 2023” held on 4th May 2023. This activity was organized by the Committee of Youth Activities in Hong Kong Limited, which aimed to celebrate and inherit the spirit of May Fourth Movement (1919), as May 4 this year marked the 102nd anniversary of the Movement in China. Our Red Cross members, as the first school to apply for the establishment of Youth Unit in Hong Kong (Youth Unit One), represents the Youth Red Cross to receive a certificate of appreciation from the organizer. We hope that this activity serves as a precious experience to our Red Cross Team, which encourages them to strive for success in the future. 


27 Apr 2023

Citizenship and Social Development mainland study tour 2023

Form 5 students participated in the Citizenship and Social Development (CS) mainland study tour in Guangzhou on 27th April 2023. Led by principal Mr. Law, nine CS teachers and Form teachers, the girls visited the Lai Wan Museum and Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. As an integral part of the DSE CS curriculum, this tour serves as a precious opportunity for Form 5 girls to explore the traditional cultures of our country. It covers different traditional cultural elements including the visit to the Xiguan Folk Customs Museum of Liwan Museum (Guangzhou) and the Guangdong Province Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation Exhibition Hall of Guangdong Cultural Centre.

At Liwan Museum (Guangzhou), exploration on a multitude of meaningful Chinese culture: the historical Chinese architecture of Xiguan House, beautiful glass windows, wooden doors, clothing of people and the contemporary image females in paintings, all of which reflected Chinese people’s lives, traditions and their social status in the past. This is followed by the visit to the Guangdong Cultural Centre, where students marvelled at the arts and performance arts of Chinese, for instance, Yue embroidery, Chinese lanterns, Cantonese opera, Lion dance, Dragon dance, Bird dance, and wedding and customs of minorities, to name but a few.

Among the aforementioned interesting exhibits, Yue embroidery is incontrovertibly one of the most eye-catching items. An embroidery depicting tulips in western style, together with bright threads with shining beads form a colourful picture. Bead embroidery is only one of the forms of Yue embroidery, other forms include “Ding Gum Sau”, woolen needlepoint tapestry and machine embroidery. It is renowned for its unique technique which makes use hair of humans or animals to form exceptionally smooth and even patterns.

Through appreciating an array of exhibits, F.5 girls have deepened their understanding of traditional Chinese culture, as well as the conservation of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage in China. This undoubtedly serves as a remarkable experience for them to enhance the sense of belonging to the cultural origin of motherland.

 “The CS Mainland study tour has enabled me to realize the CS curriculum aims through experiential learning. By participating in the field study activities, we have broadened our horizons, gained first-hand understanding of our country and its latest development, as well as understood and appreciated the achievements of our country and Chinese culture. This undoubtedly enhances our sense of national identity and sense of belonging to the traditional Chinese culture.”                                   ------5B Arielle Kwok                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



20 Apr 2023


耶穌被釘在十字架上,死後被埋葬。有兩位門徒失望難過打算回家,離開耶路撒冷途經厄瑪烏的路上遇到復活後的耶穌,他們改變了——眼開了,心熱了,並找到了方向,看到了自己的價值。無論經歷什麼挫折,其他人怎樣看待自己,只要能堅守信仰,定能夠克服困難。雖然有時候我們會失望,甚至逃避,但只要我們願意用心去尋找耶穌基督,就會找到希望。門徒當天在厄瑪烏路上遇上耶穌基督,我們又能否在日常生活中發現耶穌呢?今日我校請來一位舊生 (Agatha Ng)和她的丈夫 (宇彤)作嘉賓,他們的人生路走來一點也不容易,但他們仍充滿喜樂,一步一步走向他們的夢想之路,因為他們看見了耶穌基督在他們生命中所做的事。希望同學今天能藉著二人的分享,都像厄瑪烏門徒一樣「眼開了,心熱了」。 


17 Mar 2023

“Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2023”

Four civic leaders, including the chairlady Janis Sun (5C), program secretaries Vicky Yeung (5A), Bernice Lau (5B) and Yen Li (5C) participated in the “Meeting with the Financial Secretary 2023” held on 17th March 2023. This activity was organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Our civic leaders are glad to have the opportunity to interact with the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, Mr. Chan Mo-po, Paul. Through communicating with Mr Chan, our civic leaders expressed their opinions to social development and exchange their views with the representatives from other schools. This event was surely a fruitful experience for all the participated civic leaders, we hope that they can sustain their passion and awareness to the social issues and their own community.


16 Mar 2023

English Café welcomes You

Ever thought of having fun with English? Then, you must visit the English Café!
It’s a place where you can have fun playing games, singing songs and interacting with others while learning English! The teachers and English ambassadors on duty are very helpful and welcoming. Come and win snacks, prizes and friendship every Thursday. We are open from 1:40 to 2:20. Your support would be much appreciated! 


24 Feb 2023

學生生涯規劃講座 - 「在寬廣的未來再去做我」

本學年,升學及就業輔導組得到加減乘除基金的協助,合辦了一連串生涯規劃的活動。2023年2月24日,我們邀請到香港理工大學企業發展院、香港大學專業進修學院客席講師 -- 余修賢先生擔任座談會的嘉賓。座談會主題為「在寬廣的未來再去做我」,內容主要介紹大灣區目前的經濟發展及青年生活模式,也講述在大灣區升學、就業及創業的發展趨勢。余先生更分享了自己在國內發展的經歷,讓同學明白兩地職場的文化差異。希望透過是次內容豐富的座談會,能協助同學們思考未來升學及工作發展的方向。


16 Feb 2023

Values Education Home-Time Programme

 It is our honour to have Mr. Remus Kwok as our guest speaker for the home programme on Gratitude on Student Formation Day II. We learn to appreciate the beauty and blessings in our life – the unconditional love from our parents, friends and people at school. This time, we interviewed the school’s Guardian Angels - the janitors, clerical staff and IT technician – who have been supporting us wholeheartedly all the time.

 The heart-warming messages written by students were presented to our angels as a token of gratitude. Gratitude is LOVE being put into ACTION - Be an angel to others!


31 Jan 2023

Formation of Heart – Joint-school Service Programme

In April 2022, ten Form two students joined the Formation of Heart, a joint-school service programme with Sacred Heart Canossian College and St. Mary's Canossian College. Through workshops and school-based service, participants strengthened their organisational skills and developed a deeper understanding of one's own strengths. In January 2023, these students held a tutorial session for the Form one girls to share their study tips on Life and Society and Integrated Science. The beautiful smiles on those form one girls’ faces were their greatest reward from the programme. 


19 Jan 2023

Extended Learning Day

The Extended Learning Day was successfully held on 19 January 2023. Various activities were organised for different levels to broaden exposure, create enthusiasm for learning and provide a real-life context to consolidate learning. These include S1 Mangrove field trips, S2 Local history learning, S3 & 4 Careers programmes and S5 horse riding.
Students were encouraged to participate actively in these activities and they have built up team spirit, self confidence and strengthened bonds among school mates. The diverse learning experiences profitably facilitate students' all-round development as life-long learners.
Their radiant smiles and friendship have lit up the day. The event has been a great success.


22 Dec 2022


「星光引路」---- 耶穌誕生的那天,遙遠的東方有三位賢士看見了一顆十分特別的星象,於是他們透過那顆特別明亮的星來到白冷。憑著這星光指引,三位賢士終於找到嬰兒耶穌。他們歡天喜地,並將這喜訊告訴世人。事實上,並非只有三位賢士能得星光相助,其實天主在我們的生活中,也透過不同的人和事作星光,引領我們尋找真理,與祂相遇。我們於2022年12月22日舉行了聖誕慶典,透過當天郭志強執事分享第四位賢士的故事、祈禱、處境短劇和遊戲,讓同學明白及察覺天主已為我們作星光指引,照亮我們的道路,同時期望同學能成為別人的星光,帶領身邊人與主相遇。


22 Dec 2022

Christmas celebration

The Christmas Celebration was successfully held on 22nd December, 2022. This has been a day that Franciscans have long awaited every year. With all the 6 forms gathered together in the hall, all the students and teachers enjoyed the joyous Christmas vibes together. The Christmas celebration was organised this year, allowing students to unleash their hidden talents through performing with teachers on stage! An array of performances including dancing and singing were staged. With cheers and applause for the magnificent performances, joyfulness and laughter filled up the hall. We were astonished not only by the hidden talents of the performers, but the close bonding they had established. The lucky draw and the fascinating games prepared by the Student Association, Urania sparkled up the event. The day was wrapped up by the Christmas song medley performed by Urania.
May these precious moments shared among Franciscans be our drive to work hard, live well and go far! 


10 Dec 2022

S1 Admission Information Day 2022

The event was held successfully on Saturday, 10 December 2022. We are grateful that students and parents from all across the territory, including our own primary school, have joined us for the admission talk and the campus tour. Our principal Mr. Law highlighted the school’s emphasis on the formation of the heart which centres upon Canossian values of charity and humility. Two of our 2022 graduates, one currently studying medicine and another to be studying dentistry abroad in January, shared about their secondary school life and how it has prepared them for future pursuits. Round the campus, our student leaders introduced to our guests the amazing learning spaces such as the amphitheater, the green corridor, library, Memory Gallery and more. All these resources and equipment aim at nurturing all-round students while building a solid academic foundation. The smiles and laughters of our energetic guests are the greatest reward to Franciscans. Thank you for coming! 


09 Dec 2022

Swimming Gala

The long-awaited Swimming Gala was successfully held at Victoria Park Swimming Pool on 9th December. Students participated actively and all swimmers tried their very best to earn points for their houses. The day was filled with students’ excitement and cheer. This year, we are very happy to have Ms Kelly Tai, our former swimming team captain, as our guest of honour. Ms Tai gave a very motivating speech to our students encouraging them to never lose their passion. St. Valentina House was the champion of the junior section and St. Nicolaus House was the champion for the senior section and the overall champion of the Swimming Gala. Congratulations to the winning houses and to all the winners of the gala. It was a memorable and delightful day for everyone. We hope to have more of such events in the future where students can shine and have fun.


24 Nov 2022






22 Nov 2022

Sports Day

Finally, after a long wait, our school could hold the annual Sports Day on 22nd November, at Aberdeen Sports Ground. It was a half day event. Students displayed their excitement by participating with much zest and enthusiasm in every event. The spirit of sportsmanship was at its full swing on the field with girls congratulating each other. We hope to have more of such events in the future where students can shine and have fun. 


19 Nov 2022

Leadership Training Camp

The Leadership Training Camp was successfully held on 19 November 2022 in Hong Kong PHAB Association Jockey Club PHAB Camp. The trainers introduced some exciting games to consolidate exco members’ leadership skills such as collaboratively managing several difficult movements, catching neighbour’s ball in a circle, etc. The club exco members were fully engaged in team building games and giving our best efforts in order to win. Yet, we earned not only points, but trust among team members. What a fruitful day! 


11 Nov 2022

Values Education Program on “Gratitude and Love”

As a part of the whole-school approach to values education, we engaged all teachers and students in an interactive online programme conducted by Mr. Remus Kwok from the City University of Hong Kong. While our guest speaker delivered the programme, Form teachers facilitated discussions in their respective classes and interacted with our guest speaker through the online chatroom. Students have gained a better understanding of themselves through completing a questionnaire on “Love language”. The meaningful noises and warm exchanges during the sharing sessions have built a stronger rapport among the class, marking the beginning of the “Secret Angels” activity which lasts for two weeks. 


04 Nov 2022

School Picnic – Extended Learning Activity

It was the most awaited day of the year. Our school picnic was held on 4th November 2022. For the first time, the whole school went to Ocean Park for a picnic. The amusement park was a terrific choice for a picnic destination for students to learn while having fun. It raised students’ awareness towards wildlife conservation and marine creatures.
Students were required to watch a video clip featuring Conservation Battlefront Seminar before the outing. The programme introduced local conservation work from the aspect of technology, art and sustainability being done on three protected species in Hong Kong, namely Golden Birdwing, Green Turtle and Acropora Corals.
Students were divided into small groups to observe animals in the “Aquarium”, “Asian Animal World”, “Polar Adventure” and “Tropical Rainforest”. They had to investigate several animals of their interest, for example a Sea Horse or a Panda, and complete a guided field study worksheet about a few local species of their interest.
The Extended Learning Day was a self-directed learning opportunity for students to learn about the local habitat of the animals. They worked at their own pace which gave them a unique experience of interdisciplinary and self-directed learning. It promotes the youngsters to engage with others, plan and promote the conservation industry. 


21 Oct 2022

Visit to Hong Kong Science Park

On 7 October and 21 October 2022, our F.3 students visited the Hong Kong Science Park. They got the chance to explore the technologies of autonomous vehicle, AI and smart retail. The visit to some booths was helpful in making them understand more about the application of innovative technologies in different industries. Dr. Crystal Fok, the Head of STP Platform at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) gave a talk to our students and introduced them to the innovation and technology ecosystem in Hong Kong and its future potential. CUHK Robotics Team, the winners of Robocon HK 2022, enlightened our students through their sharing on innovation and how new technologies are changing the world and our daily lives.  


“We learnt a lot of interesting information about new technology such as how a self-driving shuttle makes use of sensors to detect people, objects, and vehicles on the road.  We also visited some booths and learnt how to breed crabs in an efficient way by using robots. During the visit, we got to know about the Mini-Robocon competition for junior secondary students. My classmates and I decided to form a team to join the competition, which will be held in March 2023. We are excited to be given the opportunity to construct and control robots. All in all, the visit was a wonderful and unforgettable experience for us.”

Ariel Cheng F. 3A


“This time, the visit to the Science Park was a very different experience. I was amazed to see an autonomous self-driven bus. This is an exciting technology in which the bus operates without someone actively driving it. We understand how it functions on the road and how the sensors in the vehicle can sense obstacles on the roads including humans or little animals. It was fun because I experienced how our lifestyle is being changed by technological advancement. This visit has been a rewarding experience.”

Natalie So F. 3A 


14 Oct 2022

School Major Concerns Information Day and Installation Ceremony

The School Major Concerns Information Day was held on 14 October 2022. F.4 and F.5 classes witnessed this significant event in the hall, whereas the rest of the students watched the live broadcast at their respective classrooms. Mr. Remus Kwok from the City University of Hong Kong and two past students, Gigi Chan and Wynne Lau were invited to share with our students the theme of the year. The two alumni also shared some study tips with our students and incorporated the school’s two major concerns of the coming three years in their sharing. Our two major concerns are as mentioned:
- To reinforce values education to enhance whole-person development of Franciscans
- To cater for learner diversity by enhancing classroom teaching efficiency
The Installation Ceremony was ushered in warmly by everyone soon after the sharing by our alumni. It was a big day for the new group of student representatives who were officially introduced and appointed. During the ceremony, badges of honour were presented by Mr. Law to the head prefects, representatives of monitresses, executive committee of four houses and the student leaders of various functional teams who pledged their full dedication and commitment to the school. Congratulations to all our newly installed student leaders! 


30 Sep 2022

Flag-raising ceremony to celebrate 73rd founding anniversary of PRC

In celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the school held a flag-raising ceremony in the school hall during the morning assembly on 30 September, 2022. All teachers and students participated in the solemn ceremony. Two F.6 students shared with us facts and knowledge about our National Flag, National Emblem and National Anthem. Our principal, Mr. Law shared the great achievement of China on environmental protection in the recent years. Students’ sense of national identity and sense of belonging to our country was further strengthened. 


23 Sep 2022




19 Sep 2022

Education Talk on Crime Prevention

On 19th September 2022, two officers from the Correctional Services Department (CSD) delivered a talk for the whole school on crime prevention. They introduced the role and duties of the CSD and shared some typical juvenile crimes, such as bullying, cyber bullying and drug trafficking. The students watched a short film related to the theme followed by a Q& A session based on the film. It was an interactive session between the students and the officers. The talk raised students’ awareness of various types of crimes and the consequences one would have to bear for their own actions. It was a thought-provoking session and gave students a deeper understanding of juvenile crimes.


17 Sep 2022

S6 Catholic Students’ Retreat

Our busy schedule may sometimes take away the peace in our hearts and distance us from God. To help our S6 Catholic students to open their hearts to be loved and strengthened by God, the Canossian Mission organized a retreat for all Canossian S6 Catholic students on September 17. Sr. Veronica Fok and Sr. Agnes Law’s sharing enlightened us about the life and deeds of our Foundress in an endeavour to follow her footsteps in making Jesus known and loved. We are reminded to be grateful to God and to be always ready to reach out to others who are in need of help. “Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)


16 Sep 2022

School Official Opening Mass

On a sunny morning of September 16, all students and teachers celebrated the official opening mass and the Feast Day of Pope St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian. Mass celebrant Rev. Aloysius Mak reminded us that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to sacrifice for us. The whole school joined together to give thanks to God for His love and blessings and enable us to put our talents to good use as we abide to our school motto “Live by the Truth in Love”. In facing the challenges ahead, let us, “Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) 


16 Sep 2022

House Election

The election of the executive members was successfully held on September 16. The outgoing house captains of each house reported on the activities held in the last academic year. After a few weeks of preparation, the new committee members of each house introduced themselves to the whole school. Creative video clips showing support from students and teachers were shown by them. It was truly an exhilarating experience for all of them and the hall was filled with excitement with students and teachers cheering for their respective houses. May God grant the student leaders wisdom to serve as role models for our fellow Franciscans.


08 Sep 2022

SA Election

The election of the executive committee of the Student Association was successfully held on 8 September 2022. After months of preparation, the proposed cabinet, Urania, showcased their fruitful achievements on the stage. Having gone through a Q&A session prepared by the current SA exco and two challenging game sessions where they had to finish the predesigned tasks within a limited time, the potential executive committee displayed a strong team spirit, confidence and dedication to serve the fellow Franciscans. According to the constitution, Urania, being the only cabinet running for the election this academic year, automatically becomes the executive committee of the Student Association of the academic year 2022-23.
Congratulations to Urania!


03 Sep 2022

Form 1 Orientation and Parents’ Day

It was an exciting Saturday for the Form One students and their parents. This is one of the most important occasions of the year as we welcomed the new students and their parents.

The programme began with our Principal, Mr. Law’s speech to welcome the Form One girls and parents to the big family of St. Francis’ Canossian College. This was followed by the sharing by teachers of various functional teams giving useful information that will surely help our newcomers thrive and succeed in St. Francis’. Thereafter, students and parents got the opportunity to meet their respective Form Teachers in the classrooms. A thirty-minute session with the teachers marked the beginning of building a good rapport between Form Teachers, students and parents.

We wish our Form One students a fruitful and enjoyable school life in St. Francis’! 


01 Sep 2022

School Reopening

1st September marked the first day back to school for all Franciscans. It was an exciting day especially for the new Form One girls. The programme started with the National flag-raising ceremony for the whole school.

Mr Law welcomed the students and the new Form One girls. He reminded the girls of the importance of being attentive and energetic for the new school year. Goal setting and timetabling were mentioned as important requisites for a successful school year. Representatives from the Discipline team briefed the students on regulations and introduced the school uniform requirements. Students were also reminded of the MOI policy of the school and the importance of collaboratively establishing an English-rich environment both inside and outside school.

The assembly ended with the school song and giving thanks to the Lord for a fruitful school year ahead. 


27 Aug 2022

Summer Bridging Programme (August 26 & 27, 2022)

Our two-day Summer Bridging programme has been a great success despite the disruption of typhoon.

The programme began with a prayer. The school principal, Mr. Law, delivered a welcoming speech followed by an introduction by our vice principal and a briefing by the discipline master. Our F1 students also got to meet their Form and Co-form teachers for the first time.
Following English lessons conducted by native English teachers, student leaders from the counselling team organized fun and exciting group activities that familiarised our newcomers with the school culture and environment. The charming smile and enlivening enthusiasm have uplifted the spirit of students and teachers alike.
A warm welcome to our newcomers!


05 Aug 2022

Extended Learning Week (August 1 to 5, 2022)

The Extended Learning Week was successfully held in early August. Various activities were organised in different levels to broaden exposure and consolidate learning. These include workshops on careers guidance, counselling, and sex and health education. The outdoor adventures such as horse riding and sports training were equally well-received.

The Chinese culture experiential learning, being another highlight, has engaged students in fun activities featuring traditional Chinese practices and cultural heritage.

The radiant smiles, team spirit and friendship gained are testimony to the success of the extended learning week.


16 Jul 2022

Leadership Training Camp

After a series of engaging warm-up activities, students were ready for outdoor adventures that aim at boosting team spirit and enhancing leadership skills. The end of this fruitful half-day programme marked the beginning of their way to becoming competent leaders.

Through engaging in meaningful and challenging tasks, we were enlightened. I am amazed by the power of perseverance and teamwork, and how fun can be derived from overcoming obstacles and solving problems together.
“Many hands make light work.” As companions, we achieve more.
Yuri Po 4B & Angela Lai 4D


Event Highlights

19 Feb 2022


Orenda團隊贏得最佳商品冠軍和最佳陳列獎季軍,以及被提名最佳社會創新獎。團隊代表早前接受了明報訪問,大家可 按此 細閱報道。


16 Feb 2022

《小嘴巴‧大世界 – 主持人培訓計畫》

中五甲張湉楠同學及中五丙王靜熎同學較早前參加由香港中華文化發展聯合會及新城知訊台合辦的第五屆《小嘴巴‧大世界 – 主持人培訓計畫》。兩位同學接受了由資深節目主持人的訓練,包括電台廣播理論、節目籌劃、資料搜集、正音訓練、主持及訪問技巧後,於清談節目《小嘴巴‧大世界》內擔任助理主持,就文化、藝術、歷史等主題參與電台節目製作及錄音。
兩位同學已於2月16日順利完成錄音,主題分別為身心靈發展及個人了解成長,有關內容將於3月1日及3月8日(星期二),下午4時至6時,於新城知訊台 FM99.7《世界隨意門》節目之「小嘴巴‧大世界」環節內播出。


21 Dec 2021

Christmas Celebration

The Christmas Celebration was successfully held on 21st December, 2021. This has been a day that Franciscans look forward to every year. The whole school gathered in the hall and enjoyed the Christmas vibes together with all teachers and schoolmates. A brand new event, the Christmas showcase, was organised this year, allowing students to unleash their hidden talents through performing with teachers on stage! An array of performances including dancing, singing and drama were staged. Festivity filled the hall as everyone cheered and applauded for the magnificent performances. We were amazed not only by the hidden talents of the performers, but the close bonding they had established. The lucky draw and the fascinating games prepared by the Student Association added lustre to the day. May these precious moments shared among Franciscans be our drive to work hard, live well and go far!


03 Dec 2021

National Constitution Day

With the aim of enhancing public awareness of the Constitution, promoting its spirit, strengthening its implementation and advancing China’s overall law-based governance, the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress has designated 4 December as the “Constitution Day”.
To enhance students’ understanding of the Constitution, our school has organized a series of programmes in December. The meaning and importance of National Constitution and National Security were explained to students using public announcement system, through an inter-class competition and a talk by Mr. Albert So, the Chairman of Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre. The whole school participated in the National and Regional Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 3 December, 2021. 


03 Dec 2021

English Fun Day

It has been a fun and fruitful day for Franciscans! Following the flag raising ceremony and St. Francis Feast Day celebration, the whole school gathered at the basketball court for the kick-off ceremony of the English Fun Day. As our principal Mr. Law and our guests from Headstart popped the confetti cannons, the festival began!
Creativity and artistic flair of our students were manifested through the Twelve game booths designed and set up by senior form classes. Our Student English Ambassadors were all around the campus charismatically and cheerfully conversing with guests and students. Festivity and blissfulness filled every corner of the school. From classrooms to the amphitheater, from the English cafe to the classrooms where iPad games were played, students and teachers were having fun chatting and playing games in English!
The long queue in front of the prize-redemption counter was another amazing sight! Indeed, the radiant smiles and cheerful noises are the best rewards!
Special thanks to our Primary Six students from SFCS for joining us on this special day!


20 Nov 2021

Leadership training camp for club exco members

The training camp kicked off with Student Association leading participants to have some warm-up games. Then, the mentors introduced some exciting games to consolidate exco members’ leadership skills such as collaboratively managing several difficult movements, catching neighbour’s ball in a circle, etc. We were fully engaged in team building games and giving our best efforts in order to win. Yet, we earned not only points, but trust among team members. What a fruitful day!


13 Oct 2021

School Major Concerns Information Day and Installation Ceremony

The School Major Concerns Information Day was held on 13 October. F.4 and 5 classes witnessed this significant event in the hall, whereas the rest of the students watched the live broadcast at their respective classrooms as our Principal, teachers and student leaders gave their presentations in the hall. The two major concerns of our school are as follows:
- Fostering students’ autonomy in learning through Reading to Learn
- Cultivating positive thinking in students and empowering them to be persevering and resilient in the face of challenges
It was followed by students’ sharing on various scholarships, awards and gifted programs offered by the school. At last, the installation ceremony was held. Our Principal Mr. Law inaugurated the head prefects, representatives of monitresses and the executive committee of four houses and the student leaders of various functional teams who pledged to do their best to serve the school and their fellow schoolmates faithfully in the coming year. Congratulations to all our newly installed student leaders!


09 Oct 2021

Leadership workshop for team leaders

This workshop aims at strengthening team leaders’ public speaking skills. We are glad to have Mr VivekMahbubani as our guest speaker. He illustrated ways to speak with a sense of humour and boosted our confidence through various activities such as observation and role plays. Near the end of the workshop, participants paired up to have a “sell-my-friend” exercise. Students were asked to present their partner’s interests and one hidden fact in a funny way. We have not just had lots of fun, but also become funnier speakers. His comedy tips has worked magic!


30 Sep 2021

National Flag Hoisting Ceremony

To celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the Flag Raising Ceremony was held on September 30, 2021. All teachers and students participated in the solemn ceremony. We gave our heartfelt gratitude to our fellowmen for the contribution and sacrifice they made in building up a strong China. Members of the Red Cross Association and Civic Leaders of senior forms served in the program with pride.


08 Sep 2021

SA Election

The election of the executive committee of the Student Association was successfully held on September 8. After months of preparation, the two cabinets - Soteria and Nova challenged each other on the stage. Both cabinets had to solve different tasks and answer questions prepared by the outgoing SA exco. The 16 potential executive committee members demonstrated strong team spirit, confidence and dedication. After a very close match and voting by students, Soteria emerged as the winner and becomes the executive committee of the Student Association of the academic year 2021-2022. Congratulations!


Contact Us

Address: 9-13, Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Telephone: 2587 2700

Fax: 2529 1758
