Learning & Teaching

STEM Education


STEM education was implemented in the form of co-curricular activities. School extra-curricular activities, workshops and open competitions organized by local universities were arranged to cultivate students’ interest in Science and Technology as well as to strengthen students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills across different disciplines.

STEM Carnival@CUEE at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

On 26 June 2019, 45 of our S3 to S5 students attended the STEM Carnival@CUEE at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The workshops featured the application of STEM knowledge in changing people’s lives. Students developed STEM products and services in a theme of their own choice, namely Artificial Intelligence@Task Automation, Voice/Music Signal Processing, Optical Sensing & Controlling, IoT Wireless System, Robot Assembly & Code Control, Smart Home Creation, and Deep Learning@Object Recognition.


Microbit workshop 


STEM Month

3D Printing


Aerial Photography


Pie Day


Science Week


Water Rocket


Stepometer Workshop


CLP Enginner in School



Longman STEM Workshop



Inno Carnival




Inno TechExpo




3D Printing Workshop




PolyU STEM Workshop





