Past Students’ Association


Types of Membershp
A. Ordinary membership
1. Any past student of SFCC who has completed S5, S6 or S7 (formerly known as Form V, Form VI or Form VII) in this College will become an Ordinary member upon payment of registration fee which is determined by the Chairman of PSA and approval by the Committee.
2. Any student who leaves SFCC before completion of S5, 6, or 7 (formerly known as Form V, VI or VII) due to legitimate reasons, except under school expulsion, will become an Ordinary member upon payment of registration fee and approval by the Committee.
B. Premium membership
Any alumni member of SFCC eligible for ordinary membership may apply to be admitted as Premium member upon payment of a one-off life membership fee which is determined by the Chairman of PSA. Her Premium membership will be confirmed upon being approved by the Committee.
Application for Membership
Please download the form here and send it with a cheque to
St. Francis' Canossian College PSA
9-13 Kennedy Road,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong
Cheques should be made payable to
St. Francis' Canossian College Past Students' Association