ECA - Clubs

English Ambassadors Union

English Ambassadors Union aims at enhancing students’ English standard by providing English medium activities inside and outside school. As a club striving hard to expose students to considerable situations using English, one may reckon that activities offered by us must be mostly academic-oriented, tedious and predominantly aiming at forcing students to speak in English. In fact, our core objective is to help students to get used to speaking English spontaneously through taking part in a wide spectrum of fascinating activities.

The committee members of English Ambassadors Union had organized various activities, welcoming both members and non-members. There are several significant programs that the club would organize every year, like Halloween celebration, Easter celebration, Chatting with the American Ladies. Some new programs will be held to attract more participants to learn through fun each year.

All along, the English Ambassadors Union has been moving towards the goal of arousing students’ interest in learning English. This is especially essential since we are facing fiercer competition from the mainland expertise in recent times. To help students attain an excellent command of spoken English to enable them to get a desirable career after graduation is one of our future aims. For their benefit, we sincerely hope that students can devote their enthusiasm to all English-speaking activities held in the future as learning English is no more a burden but a part of their life.


Get the better of difficulties Ÿ Be a better English learner!


Activities and programmes for our students:

Engage in English conversations “Chit & Chat” with English teachers and English Ambassadors (at English café and patrolling around the school)

Play games (Dumb Charades, Twenty Questions, Trivia, board games etc.)

Get immediate feedbacks from our Native English Teacher (NET)

Book Recommendations by English Ambassadors

Reference book display


Mission of the English Ambassadors:

We strive to immerse you in an English-rich environment, inspire your learning through fun and games, and ignite your passion in English learning.


Duties of English Ambassadors:

Promote English Ambassadors’ Programme

Run the English café

Engage in campus TV production