Academic Subjects

Religious Education Department


  1. To enable students to acquire an understanding of Christianity and religious ways of living.
  2. To enable students to reflect upon their own experience of life.
  3. To enable pupils to appreciate the contributions of religious / belief systems to human cultures and individuals in their search for the meaning of life.
  4. To give guidance to students in their search for a faith / life stance by which to live.


  1. To introduce Christian faith and life to students
  2. To teach students to appreciate the contribution of Christianity to human development and human’s pursuit of the meaning of life
  3. To help students develop positive values
  4. To enable students to reflect upon their lives
  5. To help students understand more about our Foundress
  6. To help students understand the teachings of the Church and liturgies.

Teaching and learning activities

To bring students closer to God, we bring students to the chapel during lesson time at least three times a year – at the beginning of the academic year and before the two exams. Students are asked to read some Bible verses and write their own prayers with the intention of praying for themselves and the needy in the world. They are encouraged to give thanks to God for what they have and turn to God in the face of adversity. Through praying for others, we instill in them the Christian value of ‘Caring for our neighbours’.

Teaching strategies in relation to the school’s major concerns

To promote ‘Self-directed learning’, Form three students are asked to do a mini-project about saints in the second term. They are required to gather information about the saint assigned to them on the Internet and present the information in the form of a video. Teachers and classmates will then assess the presentations using Google forms.