Academic Subjects

BAFS Department

BAFS, which stands for Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, is an elective subject under Technology Education in the NSS curriculum. It is one of the most popular elective subjects offered. Each year, about one-fifth of the total candidates entered in BAFS.

The overall aims of BAFS curriculum are:

  1. to provide students at senior secondary level with fundamental business knowledge and skills, and develop their positive values and attitudes, so that they can fulfil their roles competently and confidently as consumers, investors, employees and/or entrepreneurs;
  2. to develop students’ generic skills in research, analysis, leadership, team-building, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving and transfer them to different domains; and
  3. to explore different aspects of business to prepare students for life, for learning and for employment.

(BAFS Curriculum and Assessment Guide S4-6, p. 13)

BAFS is divided into two parts, the compulsory part and the elective part. The compulsory part covers four key learning areas, namely Business Environment, Introduction to Management, Introduction to Accounting and Basics of Personal Financial Management. They provide students with some general knowledge and skills that are useful for their future studies or career. The elective part covers two modules, namely Accounting and Business Management . They build upon the knowledge and skills in the compulsory part and allow students to have an in-depth study of their area of focus. Students are required to study one elective module, and Accounting is the one our school offers.

Regarding the assessment of BAFS in the HKDSE, Paper 1 which is based on the compulsory part constitutes 40% of the total whereas Paper 2 which is based on the elective part constitutes the remaining 60%. Details of the assessment can be found on the website of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.