
Mar 2025

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes for Senior Secondary School Students 2024/25

Congratulations to Scarlett Chan and Scholastica Chung from F.6B for receiving the esteemed Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes, in recognition of their academic achievements, leadership qualities, and commitment to St. Francis’ Canossian College. The 38th Awards Presentation Ceremony of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund (SEYMF) was held on March 16, 2025, at Hong Kong City Hall.


Mar 2025


謹此祝賀中三乙班Sunwar Samiksha同學,榮獲2025年新春青少年及兒童繪畫比賽高級組優異獎。

此比賽鼓勵學童善用課餘時間,培養藝術創作才華,Sunwar Samiksha 在眾多參賽者中表現突出,充分表現其藝術才華,期盼同學能持續在藝術路上畫出彩虹。


Feb 2025

2024 Wan Chai District Outstanding Youth Award and Courteous Youth Award

Chau Yuet Hei Catherine of F.5A and Lam Tsz Yan of F.5D were selected by the Wan Chai District Youth Programme & Civic Education Committee as the winners of the 2024 Wan Chai Outstanding Youth Award (Secondary School Section). The prize presentation ceremony took place on 28 February 2025. Congratulations!


Feb 2025

Academic Achievement in the First Term Examination 2024-25

The following students did marvelously well in the First Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms)

Please click the link for the photos

Photos part 1 

Photos part 2


Feb 2025

Harmonizing Support: Our Students Shine at DSE Chill Music 2025

Organized by the Wan Chai District Office, Wan Chai District Youth Network, Wan Chai District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee, Wan Chai District Headmasters' Conference, and St. James' Settlement, our students—4A Karine Kwong, 4A Katherine Lai, 4A Phyllis Ng, 5A Cassie Lee, and 5C Erwina Ng—successfully made their debut performance at DSE Chill Music 2025 at Harbour Chill Wanchai.

They presented their own musical arrangement to show support for upcoming DSE candidates and students, offering encouragement and helping to ease the pressure of the approaching exams.  They also took this chance to thank the school for its constant support and encouragement, which has been a big part of their musical journey and growth.


Feb 2025





Feb 2025





Feb 2025

School Choir Shines at Hong Kong Inter-school Choral Festival

On 17th February, our School Choir, comprising 68 students, mainly from the Junior Choir, participated in the Hong Kong Inter-school Choral Festival and proudly earned the Silver Award.

It was an incredible experience for our Junior Choir students, as many of them were performing in their debut performance. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for them to learn from other schools, gain confidence, and broaden their musical perspectives.

We look forward to more opportunities for our young singers to grow, develop their talents, and continue shining on stage!


Feb 2025

Outstanding Achievements of Red Cross Association

Good news from Red Cross Association! 6B Jasmine Lo has been awarded 傑出紅十字青年會員- 全港, 青年榮譽章 and 青年導師服務獎 -金獎. Besides, YU1 St. Francis’ Canossian College has also been awarded 傑出青年團比賽 - 港島總部傑出表現團隊 and 傑出青年團比賽 - 嘉許狀. Their efforts are truly commendable. Congratulations!


Jan 2025

文化新人類 — 青年領袖獎勵計劃2024



Dec 2024


Good news from STEM Team!
Three groups of our S1-4 students, took part in the 第四屆全港青年STEAM比賽暨展覽(由AI到SI)及人工智能素養推廣比賽 and received the following awards on 14 December 2024.
(1) ILAP電子平台自主學習獎勵計劃 - 二等獎 (Second Prize)
4A Choy Ka Kiu Jessica
(2) ILAP電子平台自主學習獎勵計劃 - 一等獎 (First Prize)
1A Tsui Lok Yin Brittany & 1A Zhang Erin
(3) ILAP電子自學平台之星
St. Francis' Canossian College
(4) 超視覺AI技能大賽[中學組] - 二等獎 (Second Prize)
Team 1: 1D Cheng Nga Yui Alice & Hsu Yan Anna
Team 2: 1A Tsui Lok Yin Brittany & Zhang Erin
(5) 人工智能素養推廣創意廣播劇設計比賽[中學組] - 亞軍 (Second Prize)
4A Kwong Kei Tung Karine, Choy Ka Kiu Jessica, Leung Hoi Ching Swan & Li Chun Yau Amy
(6)全港青年STEAM賽暨展覽(由AI到SI)[中學組] - 優異獎及公眾超人氣大獎 (Merit)
3A Chung Wai Yan Athena
3A Ng Cheuk Kiu Agnes
3C Kwong Ching Tung Phoebe
3D Cheng Yuen Ying Emanuela


Dec 2024

Best Design Award in TramPlus Design Competition

Congratulations to our talented students, Hailey Lau, Palida Wong, and Natalie So, for their outstanding achievement in the TramPlus Design Competition, held on December 14, 2024! Their creative and innovative design impressed the judges, earning them the prestigious Best Design Award.

We are proud of their hard work and dedication, which showcased their artistic talents and commitment to excellence. Well done!



Dec 2024

The Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students Award

The Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students Award is an honour given by the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association (HKISHA) to outstanding students for their remarkable accomplishments in academic performance, leadership, special talents, and community service. Outstanding students from secondary schools on Hong Kong Island attended rounds of interviews to discuss a range of issues related to our society and young people in Hong Kong.

Congratulations to Kwong Kei Tung, Karine for winning the 2024 Hong Kong Island Top Ten Outstanding Students Award in the Senior Section, and to Ng Cheuk Kiu, Agnes for winning the 2024 Outstanding Student Award for the Wan Chai District in the Junior Secondary Section.


Nov 2024

Red Cross Hong Kong Island District Headquarters Youth First Aid Competition

On 24 November 2024, our school’s Red Cross team competed in the Hong Kong Island District Headquarters Youth First Aid Competition and won third place overall. The team will represent the Hong Kong Island Headquarters in the Hong Kong First Aid Competition on 23 February 2025. Congratulations on their remarkable achievements!

The team members are as follows:
Beatrice Wong 5B 
Gigi Chan 4A
Erin Chow 3A
Selene Chiu 3D
Janie Fung 2D
Ali Lee 2C
Koyi Ko 2A
Veronica Mok 2D


Nov 2024

Inter-School Athletics Competition 2024-2025 HK Island & Kowloon Division Three (Area 3)



Position in Final



Girls Overall


St. Francis’s Canossian College

Girls A Grade


Girls B Grade


Girls C Grade



Girls A Grade



4D Yung Wai Nok Jetta






5B Hui Sum Kiu Alison

High Jump


5D Fung Wan Ning Stefanie


Long Jump


Shot Put


4B So Yi Tung Charis

4x100m Relay


5B Leung Tsz Ching Cherry

5D Fung Wan Ning Stefanie

5D Mok Yee Wah Katie

6B Lee Hoi Tung Agnes

4x400m Relay


4D Yung Wai Nok Jetta

5B Hui Sum Kiu Alison

5B So Tip Ying Mavis

5C Tse Man Kwan Bernice

Girls B Grade



3A So Hei Nga Eva



3A Tse Nga Yau Katelyn


Long Jump




3D Lam Fenice






4B Chen Michaela




High Jump


4B Ng Yee Chin Chita

Shot Put


3C Chau Siu Ting Katy

4x100m Relay


3A So Hei Nga Eva

3A Su Hongxi Charry

3B Wong Ka Yiu Jaclyn

3C Chan Yu Ho Lotus

4x400m Relay


3A Tse Nga Yau Katelyn

3B Chan Tsz Ue Rene

3D Lam Fenice

4B Chen Michaela Chen

Girls C Grade

100m Hurdles


2B Wong Yui Yuki






1A Wong Ka Yu Carina



2C Ng Hok Ching Babi

High Jump


1C Lam Pui Hei Lyrica



2D Wong Serena Hei Tung

4x100m Relay


1A Wong Ka Yu Carina

1C Choi Lok Sze Yedda

2A Fung Chin Yu Charlotte

2B Wong Yui Yuki

4x400m Relay


2B Chan Wing Tung Kristy

2B Wong Hailey

2C Ng Hok Ching Babi

2C Yiu Yat Tung Vincy


Nov 2024

「中國農業銀行香港分行」與「明愛學校社會工作服務」合辦 生涯啟航 - 農銀香港聯校經濟知識比賽

 本校一班修讀經濟科的中五同學,在2024年11月16日到明愛荃灣社區中心參加了由「中國農業銀行香港分行」與「明愛學校社會工作服務」合辦名為「 生涯啟航 - 農銀香港聯校經濟知識比賽」。

比賽分為三部分,分別是:(一) 三個熱身遊戲環節、(二) 必答題和搶答題比賽環節及(三) 金融經濟專題研習演講。


「再餸夢想」的長遠目標是讓年青人有一技之長、 成功就業、自力更生,學有所成後因應社會需求開設多元化而富有社會價值為主題的餐廳,配合未來政策發展,推動大灣區之間的經濟活動及交流,提升青年及弱勢社群在職埸上的競爭力及貢獻國家經濟發展。



Nov 2024

Outstanding Achievements at the Wan Chai District First Aid Competition

On 10 November 2024, two Red Cross teams competed in the Wan Chai District First Aid Competition on Hong Kong Island. The teams, led by Beatrice Chan (5B) and Gigi Chan (4A), delivered outstanding performances, with one team taking home the overall championship title and the other securing first runner-up.

Additionally, Beatrice Chan's team excelled in the simulated emergency scene competition, while Gigi Chan was honored with the Best Leader award. Congratulations to both teams for their remarkable achievements!


Nov 2024

Announcement of Award Recipients at the 32nd Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony

The 32nd Annual Awards Prize Presentation Ceremony, organized by the Rev. Joseph Carra Education Fund Limited, took place on 9 November 2024.

We are thrilled to announce that Rowena Au (5A) has been awarded the prestigious Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant. This award is designed to inspire senior secondary students to achieve excellence in their studies and to demonstrate outstanding leadership, even in the face of challenges.

Congratulations, Rowena, on this well-deserved recognition!



Nov 2024

Engineering Opportunities for Wan Chai - Youth Community Facilities Enhancement Programme

Good news from STEM Team!

Three of our students from 5B, Chan Siu Wan Wendy, Cheung Tsz Lam Ariel and Wong Ka Yuk Dorothy got merit (優異獎)in the Engineering Opportunities for Wan Chai - Youth Community Facilities Enhancement Programme (建『機』灣仔 - 青少年社區設施優化計劃) on 2 Nov 2024.
Our students built a model of the Wanchai MTR Station A3 Exit to illustrate their ideas on reducing carbon emissions.


Oct 2024

「我愛我的祖國」-- 金紫荊盃香港校際作文暨普通話朗誦大賽(立德樹人篇)


 獲得「我愛我的祖國」-- 金紫荊盃香港校際作文暨普通話朗誦大賽(立德樹人篇)(中學組)優異獎


Oct 2024

3D for Good Challenge Competition

Good news from STEM Team!

We are happy to announce that two of our S5 students, Cheung Tsz Lam Ariel from 5B and Fung Ching Kwan Amanda from 5C, achieved second runner-up in the 3D for Good Challenge Competition (微縮模型製作挑戰賽2024). The judges were highly impressed by their innovative fusion of Hong Kong street foods and road signs, as well as their outstanding presentation skills.

Congratulations to Ariel and Amanda on this remarkable achievement!


Oct 2024

Inter-School Swimming Competition 2024-2025, Division Three (HK)



Position in Final



Girls Overall


St. Francis’ Canossian College

Girls A Grade


Girls B Grade


Girls C Grade



Girls A Grade

200m Free Style


2D Wong Choi Ki

200m Breast Stroke


4A Ma Lok Yi

100m Breast Stroke


5B Hui Sum Kiu Alison


200m Breast Stroke


50m Back Stroke


5C Mak Sin Yu Floris


50m Butterfly


100m Back Stroke


6B Wu Ka Sin

4x50m Free Style Relay


3B Sun Cheuk Kwan Charleen

5B Hui Sum Kiu Alison

5C Mak Sin Yu Floris

6D Mong Kei Wai

4x50m Medley Relay


2D Wong Choi Ki

4A Ma Lok Yi

6B Wu Ka Sin

6D Wong Hoi Wai

Girls B Grade

200m Breast Stroke


2C Leung Sui Ki

100m Breast Stroke


100m Free Style


3B Wong Ka Yiu Jaclyn

200m Breast Stroke


3B Chan Tsz Ue


50m Breast Stroke


200m Individual Medley


3C Leung Tsz Tung Cathy

50m Free Style


4A Li Chun Yau


50m Butterfly


200m Individual Medley


4A Lee Ming Huen Abbie


100m Back Stroke


4x50m Free Style Relay


2C Leung Sui Ki

3B Wong Ka Yiu Jaclyn

4A Lee Ming Huen Abbie

4A Li Chun Yau

4x50m Medley Relay


3B Chan Tsz Ue

3B Cheung Yui Kiu

3D Lam Fenice

4B Lee Hei Tung

Girls C Grade

50m Butterfly


1B Carmona Tina Lau


200m Individual Medley


50m Free Style


1C Lam Pui Hei Lyrica


100m Free Style


4x50m Free Style Relay


1B Carmona Tina Lau

1C Lam Pui Hei Lyrica

1D Chow Yuk Ham

1D Yiu Yan Ling

4x50m Medley Relay


1D Cheuk Wa Ling

2A Ko Wing Yiu

2B Mok Fei Yi

2B Zhong Michelle Ka Yee



Sep 2024

St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship for F.1 student

St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship is to recognize an outstanding student with a commendable character demonstrating the passion to serve the school.

Congratulations to Tsui Lok Yin, Brittany (F.1) for being the award winner of St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship. She had an outstanding performance in her primary education at St. Francis’ Canossian School and is awarded the scholarship for her admission to St. Francis’ Canossian College.


Sep 2024

POLYU Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme

5A Hayley Wong joined the Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme 2024 organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research topic was “Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) Symptoms in Young People.” This project aimed to establish a local norm for a rating scale measuring the symptoms of SCT. The participating students had the opportunity to learn how to administer neuropsychological tests and understand how neuropsychological deficits can affect young people's school performance. The following is Hayley's reflection after participating in the research.

“My experience in the JRMP was truly remarkable. I learned a lot about research methodology and made new friends who share the same interests. It was a transformative and enriching experience. The most significant takeaway has been a deeper understanding of research methodology. I've learned about the various approaches to conducting research, from literature reviews to assessment tools. This knowledge has broadened my academic horizons and equipped me with critical thinking skills to evaluate information more rigorously. “


Sep 2024

Awards & Scholarships in S6 Graduation Report

Sep 2024






Aug 2024

“The Outstanding Civic Students Award Scheme 2023/24” -- "Top ten Civic Student Ambassador"

This year, the civic leaders have participated in “The Outstanding Civic Students Award Scheme 2023/24” organised by the Wofoo Youth Network and sponsored by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education of the Hong Kong Government. Two civic leaders, 4B Hailey Lau and 4D Catherine Lam, were awarded as two of the top ten Civic Student Ambassadors, while 5B Zoe Chan was awarded for her active participation.

The programme aims at cultivating dedicated and responsible citizens. Throughout a series of volunteer work and workshops, students have fostered core civic values, encompassing inclusiveness, compassion and responsibility.

This award scheme commends students by presenting awards to the top ten ambassadors, recognizing their outstanding performances. Congratulations to Hailey and Catherine for their success. We hope this award can serve as a precious encouragement that enables them to contribute to society in the future.


Aug 2024

I Can Fly Programme

Six of our students - Kwong Kei Tung Karine, Yan Tsz Yau Karlie, Kwok Hoi Kiu Yodi, Chan Tsz Yau Hailey, Ng Cheuk Lam Eunice, Chan Yin Tung Bernice - participated in Cathay Pacific's “I Can Fly” programme from March to August 2024. This incredible opportunity deepened their passion for aviation. Throughout the program, our students acquired extensive aviation knowledge and engaged in various activities, including ground school training, visits to aviation facilities, and social service projects designed to inspire young minds.

From over 300 applicants, our students took on various social service projects. One of the most memorable experiences for our students was visiting HAECO, where they had the rare chance to enter the cockpit of an A350 aircraft. The students learned vital skills from the Pilot who led the team, including how to remain calm during emergencies.

As part of the “I Can Fly” programme, Kwong Kei Tung Karine was selected for an Aviation Experimental trip to Adelaide in July 2024, following a competitive selection process in Hong Kong. Adelaide was a novel experience for Karine which she will cherish forever. She flew a DA40 aircraft, where the instructor allowed her to take full control, giving her the exhilarating opportunity of piloting a plane. This moment solidified her dream of becoming a pilot. Additionally, she enjoyed unforgettable late-night activities with her fellow participants, bonding over games like Jenga and various sports.

Overall, the “I Can Fly” programme has been a transformative journey for our students. They gained invaluable experiences and knowledge, fostering connections and dreams that she believes will last well beyond the program’s conclusion.

To read more about Karine’s experience in the news, please click the links below.

國泰疫後復辦I can Fly計劃 中學生赴澳洲駕小型飛機立志做機師

國泰飛躍理想計劃結業禮 助青年追尋飛行夢

國泰飛躍理想計劃 啟發青少年勇敢高飛

三跑系統年底啟用 航空業將迎新機遇


Jul 2024

Academic Achievement in the Second Term Examination 2023-24

The following students did marvelously well in the Second Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms)


Jul 2024

CUHK Competition on System Modeling and Optimization (COSMO)

In the COSMO competition organized by CUHK, after stepping out of their comfort zone to learn and use high level Excel skills to solve numerous university level optimization Math problems and ultimately present their solutions both in a report and verbally to a panel of professors and audience members, our 4A students Rowena Au and Celia Ho were awarded the Merit (Third Class) Award, and 4A students Ariel Cheng and Ashmeet Kaur were awarded the Merit (Second Class) Award. A big Congratulations to our students!



Jul 2024

Global Social Leaders Competition 2023-2024

Our civic leaders from Civic Education Team has taken part in the Global Social Leaders Competition organised by Future Foundations and they won the commendation awards in sustainability and impact! Thanks for the hard work of our civic leaders, which enables them to excel in this eye-opening competition. We sincerely wish our civic leaders to achieve in different perspectives in their future journey.


Jul 2024

Inter-School Basketball Competition (Hong Kong Island, Division 2) (B Grade)

Our School Basketball Team has won the 1st Runner-up in the Inter-School Basketball Competition (Hong Kong Island, Division 2) (B Grade) organized by the School Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China. Our team’s efforts and ability have paid off. Throughout the competitions, our players demonstrated teamwork, skill, tactics and determination. It’s an outstanding achievement that highlights our team’s dedication and talent, which reminds us the value of discipline and hardworking. We would like to celebrate this accomplishment with our coach, Ms Sky Wong. We would also like to give thanks to our School, our teachers and schoolmates who supported us.

School Basketball Team Members (B Grade)


Michaela Chen


Cindy Ching


Rachel Heng


Laura Lam


Rachel Law


Erela Mang


Karlie Yan


Katherine Lai


Hailey Leung


Kaur Ashmeet


Alison Hui


Mavis So


Sylvia Chu


Catherine Lam


Jun 2024

Youth Attainment Badge of the Hong Kong Red Cross

Congratulations to Lo Jasmine (5B) on successfully completing the highest level of the Progressive Programme. She is awarded the Youth Attainment Badge of the Hong Kong Red Cross.

Her hard work, dedication, and contributions to our community are inspiring. This achievement is a truly testament to her exceptional character and bright future.

Well done!


Jun 2024

Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in Girl Guides

4A Natalie Li of the 31 IS COY has been awarded the Outstanding Girl Guide Award. This prestigious award recognizes her exemplary performance across various activities and contributions within the Girl Guides Association.
We extend our congratulations to Natalie Li for this significant achievement. We would also like to express our gratitude to Mr. Law, all the teachers, and parents. Let us continue to inspire our girls and nurture their growth in this journey filled with challenges and opportunities.


Jun 2024

School Orchestra Achieves Gold Prize at Asia Musicians Competition 2024

We are delighted to announce that our school orchestra has been awarded the Gold Prize at the Asia Musicians Competition 2024! This remarkable achievement is a testament to their hard work and dedication, and our orchestra members have gained immensely from this experience. We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Jennifer Ho, our orchestra conductor and advisor for her guidance and coaching, as well as to Ms. Jose Ng for her exceptional coaching of our wind section. Our school orchestra will continue to strive for excellence and is committed to achieving even greater success in future competitions and performances.


May 2024

青年資訊科技大使獎勵計劃 (YITAA)

All of our 20 STEM Prefects took part in the 青年資訊科技大使獎勵計劃 (YITAA) programme organised by the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education and the Education Bureau in 2023/24. They have been awarded with the Bronze Award.

Our STEM Exco Members and Prefects are as follows:
Choi Yuet On Yoyo 5B (7)
Chan Yin Tung Bernice 5B (5)
Choi Hoi Kiu Chloe 4C (4)
Yan Tsz Yau Karlie 3C (26)
Chow Yuet Yu Ivy 5B (8)
 Yau Hiu Yan Rachel 5B (25)
Yu Wing Yan Gabrielle 5B (27)
Au Wing Yan Rowena 4A (1)
Cheng Chi Ching Ariel 4A (4)
Ho Sze Ching Celia 4A (8)
Kaur Ashmeet 4A (9)
Chan Siu Wan Wendy 4B (1)
Cheung Tsz Lam Ariel 4B (3)
Lo Wing Hei Hailey 4B (11)
Fung Ching Kwan Amanda 4C (6)
Kwong Kei Tung Karine 3A (10)
Sun Cheuk Kwan Charleen 2B (25)
Cheng Pui Yu Clover 2C (3)
Chung Wai Yan Athena 2D (7)
Kwong Ching Tung Phoebe 2D (11)


May 2024

Outstanding Teamwork award in the 2024 Hong Kong School English Drama Festival

Exciting news from the English Drama Team! Our team has won the Outstanding Teamwork award in the 2024 English Drama Fest. Sammi Ma from 4A has won the Outstanding Performer award for her role as Vanessa in the original play created by our team members, The Kidnap.


May 2024

JPC Innovation and Technology Competition 2023-24

 A team of four S4 students, Lo Wing Hei Hailey 4B (11), Tse Hei Ching Hebe 4C (21), Fung Ching Kwan Amanda 4C (6) and Ng Shuk Kwan Avril 4C (18), took part in the "JPC Innovation and Technology Competition 2023-24 少年警訊創新科技大賽2023-24" organised by the Hong Kong Police Force in February 2024. Their project, titled "Mini Doctor", provided innovative and feasible solutions to enhance urban management efficiency and build a smart and safe city, earning them the Commendation Award on 12 May 2024.



May 2024

Triumph at the Prize-Winners' Concert: Senior Choir's Resounding Success and Inspirational Journey

We are delighted to announce that our Senior Choir had the privilege of being invited to perform at the Prize-Winners' Concert organized by the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association, which took place at St. John's Cathedral . The choir showcased their talent by delivering captivating renditions of two pieces, namely "Immolabit Haedum" and "Salve Regina," both of which earned them the prestigious St. John's Cathedral Trophy in the Plain Song - Secondary School Choir Category.

The unwavering dedication and hard work put forth by our Senior Choir girls in perfecting these musical compositions resulted in a resounding success, allowing them to share their joy with the audience. Moreover, their participation in this esteemed concert provided our Senior Choir girls with invaluable experiences and valuable learning opportunities through interacting with other winning choirs from different schools.

Drawing inspiration from the lyrics of the performance piece "Immolabit Haedum," which includes the phrase "sinceritatis et veritatis" (sincerity and truth), we find resonance with our school motto, "Veritas in Charitate" (Live by the Truth in Love). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our parents, alumni, teachers, and students —for their unwavering support towards all our musicians at SFCC. We aim to nurture our girls' passion for music and strive for even greater accomplishments in the days to come.


May 2024

Joint School Music Competition ------ Chinese Instruments Ensemble Silver Awards

We are delighted to share the wonderful news that our members of the Chinese instruments ensemble participated in Hong Kong Joint-School Music Association Competition with two groups specializing in the Chinese Ensemble (guzheng). Both groups achieved Silver Awards.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Ms. Lou, our coach, for her guidance and coaching to our Chinese Ensembles.


May 2024

Gold Award in the 18th Daily Readers “Read Out Loud” Competition 2024

 We are happy to announce that 2D Lee Cheuk Lam obtained the Gold Award in the 18th Daily Readers “Read Out Loud” Competition 2024. Her sharing and performance on the set piece My hero, hero me inspired the judges and the audiences. Congratulations!


May 2024

Outstanding Writer in the Halfway Home Writing Competition

 We are delighted to announce that 4A Tong Jia Gaia and 4C Fung Ching Kwan Amanda were awarded Outstanding Writer in the Halfway Home Writing Competition. Congratulations!


May 2024

Outstanding Performance Award in the JPC Chinese Flag Raising Competition 2023

We are delighted to announce that our three Junior Police Call (JPC) members, 2A Chau Siu Ting, 4B Leung Tsz Ching and 6B Fung Tsz Ching obtained the Outstanding Performance Award in the JPC Chinese Flag Raising Competition 2023. Congratulations.


Apr 2024

Joint School Music Competition ------ Secondary School Ensemble (String) Bronze Award

The newly formed string chamber music team has taken part in the Hong Kong joint-school music performance competition organised by the Hong Kong Joint School Music Association and they won the bronze prize! Thanks for the arrangement and coordination of Ms Janet Wong, which allows our girls have the precious chance to participate in this eye-opening event. We express our gratitude to everyone who supported our music players for their effort and practices throughout this journey.


Apr 2024

Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2023/24 ------ Awards for outstanding cooperation and performers

SFCC Drama Club has won the Award For Outstanding Cooperation (傑出合作獎) in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2023/24! What's more, three actresses won the Award For Outstanding Performer (傑出演員獎). They are 2C Faith Lai, 1A Angie Chak and 1C Scarlett Ng. Congratulations to the club and all winners!


Apr 2024

Joint School Music Competition ------ junior choir Silver Award

Our junior choir took part in the Joint School Music Association Competition yesterday, and we are delighted to share that they have received the Silver Award. The participation in this competition has provided our junior girls with valuable experiences and a wealth of learning opportunities from other schools. We express our gratitude to everyone who supported our choristers throughout this journey!


Mar 2024
























全國青少年空手道U系列賽 (廣東站) 


U18 女子 -48kg 組手--冠軍 

U18女子個人型 --亞軍


















全國青少年空手道U系列賽 (總決賽) 

U18 女子 -48kg 組手--冠軍 










自由組手  女童16-17歲組別--冠軍

高級組形 女童16-17歲組別--亞軍



高級組形 女童14-15歲組別--季軍





Mar 2024

Fun Science Competition 2024 - Go with the Wind (2024 趣味科學比賽 - 風馳電掣)

We are delighted to announce that our students who are enthusiastic in STEM won in the Fun Science Competition 2024 - Go with the Wind (2024 趣味科學比賽 - 風馳電掣). Their dedication, hard work and exceptional skill have paid off.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the students for their relentless efforts.
Group 1:
Won the First Prize (一等獎) and was selected as the Best Design Award winners.
Group 2:
Won the First Prize (一等獎).


Mar 2024

Academic Achievement in the First Term Examination 2023-24

 The following students did marvelously well in the First Term Examination. Congratulations!

 Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms)


Mar 2024




Feb 2024

First Aid Competition of the Hong Kong Island Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Day 2024

Congratulations to our Red Cross Unit One!

We are delighted to announce that our Red Cross Unit One (YU1) won the Championship in the First Aid Competition of the Hong Kong Island Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Day 2024(港島防災應急準備日2024) on 25 February 2024. Their dedication, hard work and exceptional skills have paid off.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the team members for their relentless efforts.

The members are:



Jan 2024




Dec 2023





Dec 2023





Dec 2023

Rev. Joseph Carra Education Fund ------ Annual Awards

The 31st Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony organised by Rev. Joseph Carra Education Fund Limited was held on 18th November 2023. 

Janice Chik of F.6B was awarded the Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant. The award is to encourage senior secondary students to attain better grades and develop leadership skills regardless of the challenges they encounter in their daily life. Congratulations to Janice on her achievement!


Nov 2023

“Go Green for a better future” competition --- “the most sustainable carbon reduction award"

Congratulations to our civic leaders! Janis Sun (6C), Vicky Yeung (6A), Bernice Lau (6B) and Yen Li (6C), Peace Lo (5A), Joanna Ng (5A) and Zoe Chan (5B), representatives of the civic education team, were awarded the second runner up of the “the most sustainable carbon reduction award” in the “Go Green for a better future” competition organized by the Hok Yau Club. The aim of the competition was to arouse students' awareness to global environmental issues such as global warming and marine pollution. Through a series of project-learning and self-initiated research activities, our girls grasped the chance to embody theories in their daily life and bear their responsibility as global citizens. This award is undoubtedly a recognition to their performances and the efforts they paid. Once again, we congratulate them for their success. We hope this award can serve as a precious encouragement that enables them to contribute to the sustainable development of our world. Let’s respect the natural environment, go green for a better future!


Nov 2023

"HK Specimen Drawing Competition" -- Highly Commended Award

Cathy Suen from Form 6C participated in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing competition organised by the Royal Society of Biology. She has won the Highly Commended Award. Congratulations Cathy.


Oct 2023

Inter-school Swimming Competition 2023-2024

 Our school participated in the highly anticipated Inter-school Swimming Competition 2023-2024 (Division 3, Hong Kong Island), organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China. The event took place on 5th and 12th October at the Victoria Park Swimming Pool. We are proud of our girls who showcased exceptional talent and determination throughout the competition. They achieved outstanding result, securing the group awards including both A Grade and B Grade the 2nd Runner-up, as well as C Grade the 3rd Runner-up. When all the scores were tallied, our school was honoured as Overall the 1st Runner-up. We extended heartfelt congratulations to all our remarkable winners for their marvellous performances. Lastly, we would like to show our gratitude to our coach, Mr. Cheng Pui Chuen. We couldn’t have come this far without his guidance.

Group Results

A Grade


B Grade


C Grade





Class & Name


Position in Final

6A Shiny Yeung

Girls A Grade 100m Freestyle


Girls A Grade 50m Breaststroke


4B Alison Hui

Girls B Grade 100m Breaststroke


Girls B Grade 50m Breaststroke


4C Floris Mak

Girls B Grade 50m Backstroke


Girls B Grade 50m Butterfly


3B Abbie Lee

Girls B Grade 50m Butterfly


3D Amy Li

Girls B Grade 50m Freestyle


Girls B Grade 100m Freestyle


2C Jaclyn Wong

Girls C Grade 50m Freestyle


1B Kiki Leung

Girls C Grade 100m Breaststroke


6A Shiny Yeung

6B Leanne Chung

5B Macy Wu

5D Ellie Mong

Girls A Grade 4x50m Freestyle Relay


4B Alison Hui

4C Floris Mak

3B Abbie Lee

3D Amy Li

Girls B Grade 4x50m Freestyle Relay


2B Rene Chan

2B Charleen Sun

1A Zeki Wong

1B Kiki Leung

Girls C Grade 4x50m Freestyle Relay


5B Bernice Lai

5D Jessie Wong

1B Koyi Ko

1C Sophie Mok

Girls A Grade 4x50m Medley Relay



4A Charis Cheng

3D Jasmine Lee

2C Cathy Leung

1A Yolanda Gao

Girls B Grade 4x50m Medley Relay


2B Fenice Lam

2B Yuki Cheung

2C Jaclyn Wong

2D Hazel Li

Girls C Grade 4x50m Medley Relay



Oct 2023

“The Outstanding Civic Students Award Scheme 2022/23” -- "Top ten Civic Student Ambassador"

Congratulations to Janis Sun from Form 6C! As the chairlady (school year 2022-2023) of the civic education team , she was awarded one of the top ten Civic Student Ambassadors in “The Outstanding Civic Students Award Scheme 2022/23” organised by the Wofoo Youth Network and sponsored by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education of the Hong Kong Government. The aim of the program was to enhance students' motivation, increase their awareness and enrich their understanding of moral and civic education, as well as strengthening their experiences in serving the community. This award scheme commends students by presenting awards to the top ten ambassadors to recognize their outstanding performances. Once again, we congratulate Janis for her success. We hope this award can serve as a precious encouragement that enables her to contribute to the society in the future.


Oct 2023


在四月下旬至七月上旬,本校的中四丙班黄子淇同學、趙卓蘊同學、樊伊樂同學、盧渼晴同學及黎海晴同學參加了由半島青年商會領袖才能發展組舉辦的《與未來對話 之 明日保育領袖》工作計畫。工作計畫旨在透過探討古蹟保育,提高參加者對社區之了解,從而提升公民意識。此外,更會向參加者傳授領袖才能技巧,塑造其成為新時代領袖。 



Jul 2023

2023 International Model United Nations

Our girls Catherine Chau (4A), Gaia Tong (4A), Hayley Wong (4A), Hailey Lau (4B), Catherine Lam (4D), Cherry Lam (6B), Chloe Lau (6B), and Janis Sun (6C) have participated in the 2023 International Model United Nations, organized by the China Centre for International People-to-People Exchange and co-hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University. Through the three-day Model United Nations Conference, participants got the opportunity to strengthen their research, analytical and presentation skills, develop a deeper understanding of global issues as well as broaden their horizons. Gaia Tong and Chloe Lau were awarded The Outstanding Delegate Award in the closing ceremony while Hayley Wong won the Leadership Award. This event has been a rewarding experience for them.


Jul 2023

Academic Achievement in the Second Term Examination 2022-23

 The following students did marvelously well in the Second Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms)


Jul 2023

Academic Achievement in the Second Term Examination 2023-24

The following students did marvelously well in the Second Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms)

Jun 2023




May 2023




May 2023

The 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.
Competition Item
Name or Team
Pipa Solo - Junior
3D Tiffany Xiao
Guitar Solo - Junior
2B Kwong Kei Tung
Guitar Duet - Junior
2B Kwong Kei Tung;
2B Chan Kwai Kay
Recorder Ensemble - Secondary School
St. Francis' Canossian College – Recorder Band
Bronze Award
3B Catherine Lam
2B Verna Chan 
3A Ashmeet Kaur
4B Sylva Wong
4A Tianna Tsang
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language - Girls
Secondary School - Female Voice Vocal Ensemble - Age 19 or under
(Group 1)
St. Francis' Canossian College –Senior Choir
5A Abigail Fung
5A Agnes Tse
5A Jodie So
5A Loretta Tsang
5A Janice Wong
5B Fiona Chan
5B Chloe Lau
5C Ashley Au-Yeung
5C Chloe Wang
5D Emily Kwok
5D Adela Lau
5D Jovia Yu
4A Natalie Man &
4B Tracy Tam
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language - Girls
Secondary School - Female Voice Vocal Ensemble - Age 19 or under
(Group 2)
St. Francis' Canossian College – Senior Choir
4A Hilda Chan
4A Candy Yan
4B Zoe Chan
4B Scarlett Chan
4B Ivy Chow
4B Scholastica Chung
4B Serena Fok
4B Tracy Tam
4C Abigail Hai
4C Sonia Lee
4C Elyse Yue
3A Dorothy Wong & 5A Ashley Ng
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language - Girls
Secondary School - Female Voice Vocal Ensemble - Age 19 or under
(Group 3)
St. Francis' Canossian College –Senior Choir
3D Angel Lui
3A Dorothy Wong
3D Kiko Ho
4A Vernice Yip
4B Crystal Yu
4A Joanna Ng
4A Agnes Lau
4B Tracy Tam
4C Rita Chee
4D Clarice Chan
5B Emily So
Pianists: 4A Natalie Man
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language -
Secondary School - Vocal Ensemble for Treble Voice - Age 14 or under
(Group 4)
St. Francis' Canossian College –Senior Choir
3B Anna Tam
3D Eunice Ng
3D Jovita Sou
3B Helen Lee
3C Charlie Au-Yeung
3C Ocean Wong
3D Sammi Lui
3D Jamie Wan
3B Jasmine Wen
3D Bernice Tse
3A Dorothy Wong
4B Tracy Tam
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language -
Secondary School - Vocal Ensemble for Treble Voice - Age 14 or under
(Group 5)
St. Francis' Canossian College –Senior Choir
3A Cassie Lee
3B Lucia Cheung
3A Chloe Choi
3D Cherine Li
3D Amanda Fung
3C Karina Law
3B Nicole Wong
3C Erwina Ng
Pianists: 3B Jasmine Wen &
4A Natalie Man
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language -
Secondary School - Vocal Ensemble for Treble Voice - Age 14 or under
(Group 6)
St. Francis' Canossian College – Junior Choir
1B Faith Lai
1C Bella Leung
1D Charlotte Law
2A Ashley Kwok
2B Abigail Lam
2B Gigi Chan
2B Cecilia Ng
2B Karine Kwong
2B Kayley Chiu
2C Bella Cheung
2D Cheri Ho
2D Yodi Kwok
Flautist: 2D Phyllis Ng
Silver Award
Vocal Ensemble - Foreign Language -
Secondary School - Vocal Ensemble for Treble Voice - Age 14 or under
(Group 7)
St. Francis' Canossian College – Junior Choir
1A Ashley Woo
1A Nora Chan
1B Charis Lai
1B Chloe Lau
1B Ellie Yin
1B Shinnie Cheng
1C Katy Chau
1D Natalie Wong
1D Emanuela Cheng
2D Katherine Lai
2D Esmee Wong
Pianist: 2D Yodi Kwok
Flautist: 2D Janis Tam
Silver Award
Graded Piano Solo - Grade Four
1D Ma Cheuk Yan
4A Candy Yan
3B Katie Mok
5B Wing Ng


Mar 2023

Cheerleading Championship 2022/2023

The Cheerleading Dance Team, the newly established school team of this academic year, participated in the Cheerleading Championship 2022/2023 organised by the Cheerleading Federation of Hong Kong China on 19 March 2023. Our team won the Golden Award in the division of Performance Cheer Junior (Large) Pom.
Congratulations to all our winners who performed marvelously in the competition.
Cheerleading Dance Team Members
1A Makayla Chuang
3B Lucia Cheung
1A Kate Ho
3B Sylvia Chu
1B Shinnie Cheng
3B Alky Lui
1B Fenice Lam
3B Vianna Yip
1B Jubi Lee
3C Charlie Au-Yeung
1C Cherry Tsui
4A Peace Lo
1C Yoyo Zhang
4B Zoe Chan
1D Emma Leung
4B Kaitlyn Cheung
1D Zoe Poon
4B Agnes Lee
2A Sofia So
4B Sylva Wong
2D Lynnie Lau
4B Macy Wu


Mar 2023




Mar 2023

74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival:
Name of students
Solo Verse Speaking
Charlotte Lee (1A)
Soso Yung (4D)
Enid Kam (5D)
First runner-up
Emanuela Cheng (1D)
Second runner-up
Victoria Tang (3A)
Second runner-up


Mar 2023

Academic Achievement in the First Term Examination 2022-23

The following students did marvelously well in the First Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior forms) & Subject Prizes (Senior forms) 


Feb 2023

Wan Chai District Age Group Athletic Meet

 The School Athletics Team participated in the Wan Chai District Age Group Athletic Meet held on 26th February 2023. Our Team had achieved outstanding results. Congratulations to all winners.

Group C 100m
4A Cherry Leung
5D Christy Chan
Group C 200m
5B Bernice Lau
4A Cherry Leung
Group C 400m
5B Bernice Lau
Group C 4x100m
4A Cherry Leung
5A Zoe Lai
5B Bernice Lau
5D Christy Chan
Group D 100m
4B Agnes Lee
Group D 200m
4B Agnes Lee
4A Gigi Lam
Group D 400m
2A Jetta Yung
4A Gigi Lam
Group D 800m
2A Jetta Yung
Group D Long Jump
4B Agnes Lee
Group D 4x100m
1D Zoe Poon
2A Jetta Yung
3B Katie Mok
3B Agnes Lee
4A Gigi Lam
4C Skyla Yang
Group E 60m
1C Eva So
Group E 100m
1C Eva So
Group E 4x100m
1A Jaclyn Wong
1B Hannah Chen
1C Eva So
1D Charlie Yip


Feb 2023

Inter-school athletics Competition

After the reunion of Athletics Team, it is our honor to have such a marvelous chance to invite Ms. Justina Ng and Ms. Samantha Liu to be our coaches in this year. In the wake of five months hardships, our team has greatly succeeded in Inter-school Athletics Competition (Division 3) (Area 3) on 6, 9 and 15 February. Congratulations to all winners.


Group Results

A Grade


B Grade


C Grade








Class and Name


Position in Final

6C Jade Lee

A Grade 100M


A Grade 200M


6D Rachel Leung

A Grade Javelin


A Grade Discus


5A Zoe Lai

A Grade 1500M


5B Bernice Lau

A Grade 800M


4A Cherry Leung

A Grade 200M


4A Cherry Leung

5B Bernice Lau

5D Christy Chan

6C Jade Lee

A Grade 4x100M Relay


1A Hazel Li (Semi Final)

1B Rene Chan

1D Zoe Law

5A Zoe Lai (Semi Final)

6D Rachel Leung

6D Alma Wong

A Grade 4x400M Relay


4B Agnes Lee

B Grade 100M


3A Stefanie Fung

B Grade Long Jump


2A Jetta Yung

B Grade 800M


1D Emma Leung

B Grade 400M


3A Stefanie Fung

3B Katie Mok

4B Agnes Lee

4C Skyla Yang

B Grade 4x100M Relay


1D Emma Leung

2A Jetta Yung

3A Alison Hui

3D Bernice Lee (Semi Final)

4A Gigi Lam

B Grade 4x400M Relay


1A Jaclyn Wong

C Grade 100M


1B Hannah Chan

C Grade 200M


1B Fenice Lam

C Grade 800M


1C Katie Chau

C Grade Discus


1C Eva So

C Grade 100M


C Grade 200M


1D Zoe Poon

C Grade 800M


2D Michaela Chen

C Grade Long Jump


1A Jaclyn Wong

1B Hannah Chan

1C Eva So

1D Charlie Yip

C Grade 4x100M Relay


1B Fenice Lam

1D Zoe Poon

2A Jasmine Lee

2D Michaela Chen

C Grade 4x400M Relay



Feb 2023


我校中文辯論隊於第二十一屆《基本法》多面體 ─ 全港中學生辯論賽(基本法盃)獲得優良成績。是次比賽共約100間學校參與,隊員在各回合賽事中先後擊`敗多間學校,榮獲全港八強獎項。



Feb 2023

Hong Kong Karatedo Annual Tournament 2022

Our girls, Kylie Tang (3B), Seraphina Lee (3D) and Victoria Chan (4B) have participated in the Hong Kong Karatedo Annual Tournament 2022 in both individual and team events and Hong Kong Karatedo Youth Game 2022 (Part2). The event was organised by the Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited on 12 February.
Congratulations to Victoria Chan who is the first runners-up in both the categories, the Girls Kumite (Age 16-17) and Girl Senior Kata (Age 16-17).
Congratulations to the girls! 


Feb 2023

“Hong Kong MOCK Legislative Council 2022” —— "Best Councilor"

Congratulations to Annika Li from Form 4C! As a representative of the civic education team, Annika was awarded the “Best Councilor” in the “Hong Kong MOCK Legislative Council 2022”. This activity was organized by Hong Kong Young Leaders Development Association, which enables students to experience the daily work of lawmakers and have an in-depth understanding to the functions of LegCo in the Hong Kong society. Through interacting with different lawmakers and representatives from other prestigious schools, Annika grasped the chance to manifest her talent in dialoguing and debating. Once again, we congratulate Annika for her success. We hope this award can serve as a precious experience that enables her to contribute to the society.  


Feb 2023

第五十九屆學校舞蹈節 (甲級獎)

中學組中國舞(群舞): 天浴﹝藏族﹞
1A 莊婧希 凌心兒 吳曉樺
1B 王善衡
1C 吳諾瑤 蘇泓汐 徐樂晴
1D 羅琸琳 馬綽忻
2B 羅倩如 黃詩晴
2C 李沛蔚
4A 盧思名
4B 霍海林 


Feb 2023

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2022/2023

Congratulations to Arielle Kwok (5B) who was awarded the Third Class Honours in the Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2022/2023) organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. 


Jan 2023

Outstanding performance in HKU Academy for the Talented

Arielle Kwok from class 5B was awarded the Academic Scholarship in HKU Medical and Healthcare Academy for the Talented, as a recognition to her academic achievement. Congratulations for her outstanding performance!  


Jan 2023

"School Vaccination Commendation Scheme” Gold Award

Our school was awarded the Gold Award in the School Vaccination Commendation Scheme.
We appreciate the dedicated support from parents and students to fight the Virus.

Jan 2023

Green Walk Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge

 Our School had joined the Green Walk Carbon Emissions Reduction Online Challenge and was awarded the 2nd Runner-Up. It is a virtual walking competition organized by the World Green Organization to encourage the public to promote ‘Walk for Our Climate and a Better Future’.

 Our School accumulated more than 16,900,000 steps and about 3,000 KG CO2 reduction for this event from September to December 2022. The prize presentation was held on 15th January 2023 in the Green Walk City Orienteering Competition cum Carnival in VESSEL 01 in Kwun Tong. We would like to thank you all for your active participation. Let’s stay active and Go Green! 


Jan 2023

「童」心展藝 .識法 —「兒童權利公約」推廣計劃2022吉祥物設計比賽 — 優異獎




Dec 2022

Inter-school A Grade Basketball Competition

Our School Basketball Team was awarded the Overall First Runner-up in the Inter-School Basketball Competition 2022-23. (Hong Kong Island) (Division Two, Girls A Grade) Our students have demonstrated fantastic team spirit and sp ortsmanship in every match they played. We are proud of you, Franciscans!

Congratulations to our team members and all that have contributed to their success!
6B Rainie Cheung
6C Jade Lee
6C Niki Chan
6D Jenny Law
6D Rachel Leung
6D Nicole Wong
5B Yuri Po
5D Kristy Ng
4B Victoria Chan 


Dec 2022

慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年:灣仔區 WhatsApp 貼圖設計比賽 — 初中組冠軍



Dec 2022




Nov 2022

Wan Chai District First Aid Competition

On 12th November 2022, our school’s Red Cross Youth Unit One was awarded the First Runner-up in the Wan Chai District Youth First Aid Competition.
Congratulations to all our winners who performed marvellously in the competition.
5A Yani Leung
5B Elizabeth Lan
5B Scarlett Lo
3A Cindy Sze
3D Beatrice Wong
2D Katherine Lai 


Nov 2022

Red Cross Youth of the Year 2022

The Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Development Service organized an election of “Red Cross Youth of the Year 2022” in October. The aim of the election is to recognize Red Cross members who have made outstanding achievements in the team as well as have a balanced development in school, academic studies and family life.

Our student, 5A Yani Leung, was successfully ranked among the top ten and became an outstanding Red Cross youth member of Hong Kong Island Headquarter this year. Congratulations to Yani Leung! 


Nov 2022

香港文創薈「美食之都在香港」繪畫比賽 — 青年組冠軍 (二零二二年九月)



Oct 2022

Korean Forum 2022

In Sept 2022, two teams of students took the initiative and participated in the Korea Forum 2022 co-organized by the Consulate General of Korea in HK, Korean Cultural Center and the University of Hong Kong (Korean Studies Programme). They submitted a research report in Oct 2022, after which the team entered the Grand Final.
The team formed by 3B Catherine Lam, 3C Catherine Chau and 3D Amanda Fung won the Championship in the Secondary Junior Section; while the team formed by 5A Cherise Fok, 5B Cherry Lam and 5B Carina Lo won the second runner-up in the Secondary Senior Section. Congratulations to the winners! 


Oct 2022

Inter-school Swimming Competition

Our school participated in the Inter-school Swimming Competition 2022-2023 (Division 3, Hong Kong) organised by the Hong Kong School Sports Federation. It was held on 7th & 13th October at the Victoria Park Swimming Pool. Our girls were the Champions in both ‘A’ & ‘C’ Grade. With scores added up together, our school was the overall 1st Runner-up. Congratulations to all our winners who performed marvellously in the competition.  
Group Results
A Grade
B Grade
C Grade
1st Runner-up

Class and Name
Position in Final
6D Alma Wong
A Grade 50M Butterfly
A Grade 50M Backstroke
5A Shiny Yeung
A Grade 100M Freestyle
A Grade 50M Breast Stroke
1B Rene Chan
A Grade 100M Breast Stroke
1D Erin Chow
A Grade 100M Breast Stroke
3A Allison Hui
B Grade 100M Breast Stroke
2A Amy Li
C Grade 50M Freestyle
C Grade 50M Butterfly
2A Abbie Lee
C Grade 50M Butterfly
C Grade 50M Freestyle
1C Kiki Leung
C Grade 100M Breast Stroke
C Grade 50M Breast Stroke
6A Jessie Ho
6D Alma Wong
5A Shiny Yeung
5B Leanne Chung
A Grade 4x50M Freestyle Relay
1A Hazel Li
1B Rene Chan
1D Erin Chow
5D Christy Chan
A Grade 4x50M Medley Relay
4D Ellie Mong
3A Allison Hui
3C Floris Mok
1A Charleen Sun
B Grade 4x50M Freestyle Relay
1C Yuki Cheung
1D Kavina Hue
1D Emma Leung
4C Bernice Lai
B Grade 4x50M Medley Relay
2A Amy Li
2A Abbie Lee
1A Jaclyn Wong
1D Kiki Leung
C Grade 4x50M Freestyle Relay
1B Fenice Lam
1C Cathy Leung
2A Jasmine Lee
2A Jaimee Yip
C Grade 4x50M Medley Relay


Sep 2022

Hong Kong Inter-school Karatedo Tournament 2021-2022

Three girls from our school, Victoria Chan 4B (3), Kylie Tang 3B (17), Seraphina Lee 3D (6) have participated in the Hong Kong Inter-school Karatedo Tournament 2021-2022, organised by Karatedo Federation of Hong Kong & Lam Tai Fai College. It was held on 14 August 2022 at Lam Tai Fai College. Congratulations to Seraphina Lee (3D) who is the first runners-up in the Secondary School Girls Kata. Our school is awarded the fourth position.

Congratulations to the girls!


Sep 2022

St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship for F.1 student

St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship is to recognize an outstanding student with a commendable character and demonstrate the passion to serve the school.

Congratulations to Ng Cheuk Kiu, Agnes (F.1) for being the award winner of St. Magdalene Scholar Scholarship. She had an outstanding performance in her primary education at St. Francis’ Canossian School and is awarded the scholarship for her admission to St. Francis’ Canossian College.


Sep 2022




Aug 2022

The Sixth Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition (August 20, 2022)

 The Hybrid Prize Presentation Ceremony of the Sixth Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition was held at the City University of Hong Kong on 20 August, 2022.

 Congratulations to nine of our Form 6 students who performed marvelously well in this competition.
Outstanding Award
Zheng Sze Ngai Eve (6A)
Hui Wai Ki Crystal (6B)
Tsang Chung Lok Elizabeth (6B)
Highly Commended Award
Cheng Tim Yu Vanessa (6A)
Leung Chung Yin Heidi (6A)
Hui Cheuk Tung Rachel (6B)
Lee Ka Lok Kaka (6B)
Tse Cheuk Tung Alison (6B)
Chui Yee Mei May (6B)


Aug 2022

Academic Achievement in the Second Term Examination 2021-22

 The following students did marvelously well in the Second Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior Form) & Subject Prize (Senior Form)


Jul 2022

Inter-school Athletics Competition (July 4 & 6, 2022)

 Congratulations to our Athletics Team members for achieving marvellous results in the Inter-school Athletics Meet. We are grateful to our coach, Ms. Liu, for her training, encouragement and professional advice.

Shot put (A grade)

6A Chloe Xu


Discus (A grade)

6A Chloe Xu

Second runner-up

Javelin (A grade)

5D Rachel Leung

5th Position

800 m (A grade)

4A Zoe Lai

5th Position

Girls A Grade Overall


5th Position 

Other Athletics Team members:

1A Attali Cyann Kleo Suzanne
2B Wendy Chan
2B Emily Cheng
2B Katie Mok
2B Audrey Su
2C Julia Lai
3B Scholastica Chung
3B Noelle Wong
3C Cherry Leung
3C Skyla Yang
3D Gigi Lam
4D Christy Chan
5C Jade Lee


Jul 2022

Wiseman Language Programme in the first term

Congratulations to the following students who did marvellously well in the Wiseman Language Programme in the first term. They demonstrated passion and determination in learning the English language and serve as good models for their schoolmates.

Form 1
1A Aimi Yuen
1D Gretchen Lo
Form 2
2A Amanda Fung
2A Ocean Wong
2C Cherine Li
Form 3
3C Catherine Cai
3C Larissa Tam
3C Elyse Yue
Form 4
4A Ashley Lo
4A Ashley Ng
4C Yoyo Tang 


Jun 2022

「JA網上香港青年創意實驗概念店」計劃 - 最佳商品冠軍和最佳陳列獎季軍



May 2022

Academic Achievement in the First Term Examination 2021-22

The following students did marvelously well in the First Term Examination. Congratulations!

Top 3 (Junior Form)


Subject Prize (Senior Form)



Apr 2022

Student Achievement

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize 2021/22

Congratulations to Chloe Lee (F.6A) and Gigi Chan (F.6C) who were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2021-2022 for their outstanding academic performance, great leadership qualities and good learning attitude in all their endeavours.

Feb 2022





Jan 2022

「2021 第五屆全港青少年進步獎」 (二零二二年一月)


Dec 2021

Youth can cook! Virtual Cooking Competition 2021 (10 December, 2021)

A team of five Form 5 students has joined the “Youth can cook! Virtual Cooking Competition 2021” hosted by Wall Street English. Their self-created nutritious lunchbox named “Nutritious Ensemble” has won the Most-liked Video Award.

Congratulations to Carlie Chiu (Team leader), Bella Cheng (5A), Marietta Fung (5A), Belle Yien (5A) and Chloe Leung (5B)

You may access the link below for their winning video.

Thank you for your support!


Dec 2021

賽馬會「反轉教學」先導計劃 「自學不求人」短片創作比賽 (4 December, 2021)

Congratulations to Vienna Huang of F.3C who was awarded the Certificate of Merit in the Self-learning video production competition under the Jockey Club Flipped Learning Pilot Scheme.

Our school is honoured to receive the Award for Innovation in Self-learning (創意自學先鋒學校奬).

You may access the link below for the video on self-learning tips from Vienna.


Nov 2021

Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2021 (November, 2021)

 Our students have performed marvelously well in the Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2021 organized by the Medical Society of CUHK. Five Form 5 students successfully entered the Grand Final of the competition.

The participants are:
Vanessa Cheng (5A), Aliese Fan (5A), Melody Hung (5A), Emily Ko (5A) and Valeria Lau (5A)


Oct 2021

Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grants for Secondary 4-6 Students 2020-2021

Congratulations to Tam Kam Pui Joey (5D) who was awarded the Education Grant for her good academic performance and all-rounded development.


Sep 2021

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2020 (September, 2021)

Congratulations to two winners who performed marvelously well in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2020.

Outstanding Award: Ho Lok Ching, Jasmine (6A)

Highly Commended Award: Tang Wai Ying, Vivian (6A)


Jun 2021

香港大學專業進修學院非華語中小學生課後中文輔導班 (2020-2021) 得獎 (二零二一年六月)

謹祝賀中四丙班Bal Ashvinder Kaur同學獲頒進步獎,盼同學繼續努力學習中文,認識中國文化。


Jun 2021


謹祝賀中一丙班胡采雯、中四甲班簡伊嫚及中四丙班Ashvinder Kaur同學拍攝短片,演繹朱自清《背影》一文父親到車站送行的經典故事,在看漢教育主辦的「NCS學生表演比賽」中獲得中學組亞軍。


Jun 2021


另祝賀中五丙班謝堇翎(隊長)、梁皓晴、羅卓琳、翟敏然和姜恩彤同學, 以「李時珍——名流青史的醫中之聖」為題,在國史教育中心主辦的「年度中國歷史人物選舉2020專題研習報告比賽」中獲得高中組小組季軍。


May 2021




Apr 2021

Cyber Security Competition 2020/21 (April, 2021)

Our students have participated actively and attained good results in the Cyber Security Competition 2020/21 organised by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Force.
Congratulations to our awardees!
3A Janice WONG - Certificate of Merit 
3B Emily KWOK - Certificate of Merit
5A Sofie CHENG - Certificate of Merit


Apr 2021

The 15th Daily Readers “Read Out Loud” Competition 2020-2021

Our students have performed marvelously well in the “Read Out Loud competition” organized by KEA Learning International. Victoria Tang and Polly Yeung of F.1B have been awarded the merit prize in the final round of the competition conducted online on 17th April, 2021.


Apr 2021

香港大學專業進修學院非華語中小學生課後中文輔導班 (2020-2021) 得獎 (二零二一年四月)

謹祝賀中一丙班班胡采雯同學Ashmeet Kaur (1C) 獲頒學業優異獎及中四丁班簡汉花同學Hanfa Khan (4D)獲頒進步獎,盼同學繼續努力學習中文,認識中國文化。


Mar 2021

“Keep Clean” Instagram Photo Competition (March 2021)

Congratulations to Li Tsz Wing Coco (5C) who won the Merit Award of the “Keep Clean” Instagram Photo Competition organized by the Health Education Exhibition and Resource Centre of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in March.


Feb 2021

香港島傑出學生選舉 (二零二一年二月六日)



Jan 2021

香港女童軍 [紫燕榮譽女童軍獎章] (二零二一年一月)



Jan 2021

Future Stars – Upward Mobility Scholarship 2020 (January, 2021)

Congratulations to Vanessa Chan (F.6B) and Yoyo Wat (F.6C) who were awarded the Future Stars – Upward Mobility Scholarship 2020 offered by the Commission on Poverty (CoP) for demonstrating resilience and a positive attitude towards life and learning. 


Nov 2020

CUHK Health Exhibition Competition 2020 (November, 2020)

Congratulations to our students who performed marvelously well in the Health Exhibition Competition 2020 organized by the CUHK. Five Form 5 students successfully entered the Grand Finals of the competition.
The participants are:
Chloe Lee (5A), Anastasia Leung (5A), Annika Ng (5A), Vivian Tang (5A) & Gigi Yuen (5A)


Nov 2020

The Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant (November, 2020)

Congratulations to Tse Kan Ling Vivian (F.5C) who was awarded the Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant 2020-2021 for all-round achievement in school.

Oct 2020

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dual Program 2019 (October, 2020)

Congratulations to Annika Ng (5A) and Annie Yuen (4B) who performed marvellously well and successfully completed the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dual Program held from January 2020 to May 2020.


Oct 2020

國史教育中心主辦「年度中國歷史人物選舉2019專題研習報告比賽」高中組小組季軍 (October, 2020)



Sep 2020

香港大學專業進修學院非華語中小學生課後中文輔導班 (2019-2020得獎 ( September, 2020))

謹祝賀中四甲班簡伊嫚同學 Khan Iman(4A) 獲頒學業優異獎及中二丙班Anmoldeep Kaur(2C)獲頒勤學獎,盼同學來年繼續努力,用心學習中文。


Jul 2020

香港紅十字會「漸進式活動計劃」得獎 (July, 2020)

謹祝賀中六乙班李祉君同學 (Janice Lee) 及馮凱茵同學 (Helen Fung)獲頒香港紅十字會「漸進式活動計劃(深造章)」之「榮譽章」,盼同學繼續努力,以作模範。


Jun 2020

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2019 (June, 2020)

Congratulations to our students who performed marvelously well in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition .
Winner: Lam Wing Ham Tina (5A)
Highly Commended Award: Ho Yi Kit Jenny (5A), Yik Wing Lam Winnie (5A)
Merit: Pang Wing Sum Joyce (5A), Wong Hoi Lam Patricia (5A)


Mar 2020

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2019-2020 (March, 2020)

Congratulations to Jasmine Louie (F.6A) and Zen Kong (F.6D) who were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2019-2020 for their outstanding academic performance, great leadership qualities and good learning attitude in all their endeavours.

Jan 2020

「2019 第五屆全港青少年進步獎」 (二零二零年一月)



Jan 2020

Education Scholarships Fund - Lugard Scholarship

Congratulations to Manlangit Honeymie Kyla Condero (F.5D) who was awarded the Lugard Scholarship 2019-2020.

Jan 2020

香港女童軍 [紫燕榮譽女童軍獎章]


Nov 2019

香港島傑出學生選舉 (二零一九年十一月三十日)



Nov 2019

71st Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the 71st Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival:

Event Name of students Position
Solo Verse Speaking Zoe Chan (1D)
Charlie Chiu (3A)
Enid Kam (2A) Second
Zoe Chao (1B) Third
普通話詩詞獨誦 甘嘉晞 (2A) 亞軍
普通話散文獨誦 甘嘉晞 (2A) 亞軍

Nov 2019

The Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant (November 16, 2019)

Congratulations to Chui Long Ching, Abbie (4A) who was awarded The Rev. Joseph Carra Memorial Education Grant for her all-round achievement in school.
10:13 23/3/2020

Oct 2019

Inter-School Swimming Competition (October 3 & 10, 2019)

On 3rd and 10th October, 2019, our school swimming team competed in the Inter-School Swimming Competition and achieved marvelous results. Our school was awarded the overall second place in the competition. Congratulations!
Girls Overall – Second
B Grade Overall - Fourth
C Grade Overall - Third
Grade Event Name of Students Award
A 4x50m Freestyle Relay 5A Bernice Lam 4th
5C Sharon Chan
5C Alice Lam
5C Nicole Wong
100m Breaststroke 5C Nicole Wong 2nd
B 4x50m Freestyle Relay 4B Venus Chan 2nd
4B Kinny Lai
3B Alma Wong
3D Jessie Ho
50m Freestyle 4B Kinny Lai 3rd
100m Freestyle 4B Kinny Lai 4th
C 50m Breaststroke 2B Calyn Chan 3rd
100m Breaststroke 2B Calyn Chan 4th
4x50m Freestyle Relay 2B Leanne Chung 4th
2D Shiny Yeung
1B Isis Mary Gosamkee
1D Ellie Mong
100m Breaststroke 2D Shiny Yeung 2nd
Other Swimming Team members:
A Grade B Grade C Grade
6D Christy Cheng 4A Anastasia Leung 2B Jasmine Leung
6D Vivian Lou 4A Gigi Yuen 2B Hilary Sin
  4B Charlotte Chan 2B Macaria So
  3D Eunice Ying 2C Yumi Lei
    1A Bernice Lai


May 2019

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2018 (May, 2019)

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition.
Highly commended:      Zen Kong (F.5A), Zoe Kong (F.5A)


Apr 2019

2019 Drama Fest

Kind-hearted Teresa is grouped by her class teacher for an assignment with four other girls who are each deeply driven by the four desires acquisitiveness, power, victory and vanity respectively. Today’s society has twisted their perceptions, making them fixated on these desires and in turn losing the fundamental behaviours that connect us as human beings. Can these girls change their ways? The weird sisters of Macbeth have devised a plan that can help mankind to control these desires, but as always it comes at a price.
Sixteen S2 to S4 Franciscans gathered to experience the journey of change devised in the play Toil & Trouble. In viewing Teresa and her friends being tormented by the charms of the witches, the audience were shown how the future behaviour of our youth has been saved by Teresa’s Grandmother who has always followed a truthful path filled with love. Directed by Ms Shiona Carson, the Artistic Director of Shakespeare for All, the play was awarded the Outstanding Creativity Award in the 2019 English Drama Fest, organized by the Association of English Medium Secondary Schools. Ashvinder Kaur of F.2A got the Outstanding Performer Award. Congratulations to the Team of performers!
Producer: St. Francis’ Canossian College English Department
Director: Ms Shiona Carson
Cast List:
Witch 2 Kiki Yeung (F.4D)
Witch 3 Renae Cheng (F.4D)
Witch 4 Berry Cheung (F.4C)
Witch 5 Kaka Lee (F.2B)
Witch 6 Annie Yuan (F.2B)
Witch 7 Eve Zheng (F.2B)
Hecate Ashvinder Kaur (F.2A)
Teresa Kristy Chan (F.2B)
Grandmother Gigi Yuen (F.3D)
Donalda Pakiza Basinang (F.2C)
Jess Sophie Kwok (F.4C)
Kim Hanfa Khan (F.2A)
Michelle Helen Leung (F.4A)
Aunt Monica Jenell Wong (F.2C)
Aunt Cecilia Apple Sin (F.2D)
Aunt Joan Anastasia Leung (F.3D)
Backstage:Emerald Li (F.4A) Melanie Lam (F.4D)


Feb 2019

Inter-School Athletics Competition (February 23,28 & 31, 2019)

Our school athletic team participated in the inter-school competition on 23rd, 28th and 31st of February, 2019. Our team members achieved marvelous results and had wonderful experiences in the event. Congratulations to all the winners!


Feb 2019

第五十五屆學校舞蹈節 (二零一九年二月十九日)

中學組中國舞(群舞): 梅
Class Name of students Class Name of students Class Name of students
1A Gisele Chan 1C Zoe Wong 4A Cherub Lam
1A Cherry Lam 3A Hazel Cheung 4A Theone Man
1A Suki Lam 3B Athena Chan 4B Soie Lam
1A Charlotte Wong 3B Athena Cheung 4C Yoyo Wat
1A Jovia Yu 3B Alva Sin 4D Ricole Kwok
1C Alice Cheuk 3C Toby Hui 4D Melanie Lam
1C Chloe Lau 3C Gladys Yiu 4D Vicky Li
1C Cherry Lo 3D Kristy Wong 4D Michelle Li


Feb 2019

「2018 第四屆全港青少年進步獎」 (二零一九年二月)

中二丁班王善悠 、中三丁班梁晉嘉 及中五丁班謝瑋庭於學習及品德上均有顯著進步,獲杜葉錫恩教育基金頒發「全港青少年進步獎」優異獎。謹祝賀以上得獎同學,盼來年繼續努力。


Jan 2019

灣仔區傑出青年選舉 (二零一九年一月十二日)



Nov 2018

70th Hong Kong Schools English Speech Festival (November to December, 2018)

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the 70th Hong Kong Schools English Speech Festival:

Event Name of students Position
Prose Reading Loris Gosamkee (F.6D) Second
Belva Tam (F.5A) Third
Johanna Naynay (F.5C)
Michelle Chan (F.5D)
Angelica Gomes (F.5D)
Solo Verse Speaking Gesele Chan (F.1A) First
Jasmine Louie (F.5A) Second
Heidi Leung (F.2A) Third
Aliese Fan (F.2B)
Cherise Fok (F.1A)
普通話詩詞獨誦 甘嘉晞 (F.1D) 季軍


Oct 2018

感創敢為 - 青年社會創新服務獎 2017-18

謹此祝賀以下七位中六同學於香港小童群益會及陳廷驊基金會舉辦的《感創敢為 - 青年社會創新服務獎 2017-18》獲得銅獎。
6A 譚雅文 6B 趙曉嵐 徐懿文 梁潁枏 吳倩儀 牛相堂 王可兒


Oct 2018

Inter-school Fencing Competition (October 21 & 28, 2018)

Three athletes took part in the Inter-school Fencing Competition held on 21st and 28th of October at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre. They have achieved marvellous results. Congratulations for the fabulous victory of Cheryl Ho (5A), Nicole Tsang (5D) and Angie Ho (2A).

Name Class Event Award
Ho Ching Yuen, Cheryl 5A Grade A Girl's Foil (Individual) Silver
Ho Yin Ching, Angie 2A Grade B Girl's Foil (Individual) Bronze
Ho Ching Yuen, Cheryl 5A Girl's Foil Team 4th Place
Tsang Hei Ching, Nicole 5D
Ho Yin Ching, Angie 2A


Oct 2018

Inter-School Swimming Competition (October 4 & 12, 2018)

On 4th and 12th October, 2018, our school swimming team competed in the Inter-School Swimming Competition held at the Victoria Park Swimming Pool. Our team members pulled out all the stops in order to bring honor to St. Francis’. In the process, a number of swimmers were able to achieve their personal best times. Our school was awarded the overall fifth place in the competition. We would like to express our gratitude to our teacher advisors, Ms. W. Tang and Ms. P.H. Ho, as well as the coach from Hoi Tin Swimming Association, Mr. Cheng.
C- Grade awards:
2nd place in 50m Butterfly and 50m Backstroke ----- Latini Chan Tsun Wing
4th place in 4x50m Medley Relay ----- Latini Chan Tsun Wing, Calyn Chan Sin Yan, Shiny Yeung Wai Ching, Leanne Chung Wing Lam
B- Grade awards:
2nd place in 4x50m Free Style Relay ----- Kinny Lai Wan Ki, Beinice Lam Wai Pui, Alice Lam Ching, Nicole Wong Wing
A- Grade awards:
4th place in 4x50m Medley Relay ----- Ying Chin Wing, Karen Yik Wing Huen, Christy Cheng Ho Yan, Vivian Lou Tsz Yan


Sep 2018

The Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship 2018 (September 27, 2018)

Congratulations to Tracy Chow Wing Chun (2017/18 Graduate) who won the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship 2018 offered by the Home Affairs Bureau. Tracy is one of the 40 winners obtained the scholarship this year. Our School Principal, Mr. Kenneth Law was invited to participate in the prize-giving ceremony and shared the happy moment with Tracy.


Jul 2018

The HKU Academy for the Talented - Scholarships (July 23, 2018)

Congratulations to Tiffany Ho (F.4D), Jasmine Louie (F.5A) and Natalie See (F.5A) who won the scholarships offered by the HKU Academy for the Talented for their outstanding performance.


Jul 2018

EIE Robotic Challenge Junior 2018: Flying Robot (July 12, 2018)

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the EIE Robotic Challenge Junior 2018: Flying Robot organized by Department of Electronic & Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University in July.
• (高級組) 最佳設計獎 季軍
• (高級組) 十二碼比賽 季軍
• (高級組) 網絡最受歡迎獎 亞軍
Award winners:
4A Karry Sze (team leader)
4A Jasmine Louie
4A Belva Tam
4A Cherry Wong


Jun 2018

Harvard Book Prize Award Ceremony (June 1, 2018)

The Harvard Book Prize Award Ceremony was held on 1st June, 2018 at La Salle College. The Harvard Book Prize Award in Hong Kong is presented to three outstanding students per school with academic excellence and exceptional personal qualities. Congratulations to our three award winners, including Semi Luk (F.5C), Joey Chiu (F. 5B) and Belle Leung (F. 5A).


May 2018

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2017 (May, 2018)

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition.
First Prize: Yanni Chan (F.6A)
Highly commended: Kary Cheng (F.6A), Belle Leung (F.5A)
Merit: Ceci Pang (F.6A), Iris Lao (F.5A)


May 2018

民安隊少年團頒獎典禮2018 (二零一八年五月二十日)

F.5B 鄭荳同學於課餘閒暇積極參與民安隊少年團活動,完成香港青年獎勵計劃銀章。謹此祝賀得獎同學。


Apr 2018

2018 English Drama Fest (April, 2018)

If some of the most evil and infamous men in history and present came face to face with some of the most famous, courageous, inspiration and selfless woman of today and yesteryear, would their characters and values change? Would they redeem themselves and choose a better path that will not lead to the destruction that happened and changed the face of the world we now know?
Seventeen talented St. Francis’ girls gathered to explore these incredible characters and came up with a play. Directed by Ms Shiona Carson, the artistic director of Shakespeare for All, the play was awarded the Outstanding Script in the 2018 English Drama Fest, organised by the Association of English Medium Secondary Schools. Samantha Li of F.4D got the Outstanding Performer Award. Congratulations to the Team of performers! Special thanks to Shiona, who has coached our students to success in the drama competition.
Producer: St. Francis’ Canossian College English Department
Director: Ms Shiona Carson

Cast List:
Ann Frank – Johannah Marie (F.4C)
Helen Keller – Kelly Chung (F.3B)
J.K Rowling – Gillian Ng (F.4D)
Suu Kyi – Jenny Ho (F.3C)
Mother Theresa – Gladys Chan (F.3A)
Joan of Arc – Christy Wai (F.4A)
Oprah Winfrey – Honeymie Cordero (F.3D)
Malala Yousafzai /Devil–Bertha Luk (F.3B)
Dorothy Hodgkin – Amy Leung (F.4A)
Adolf Hitler – Elaine Fok (F.4B)
Donald Trump – Angela Leung (F.4C)
Kim Jong-un – Samantha Li (F.4D)
Osama Bin Laden – Vivian Wong (F.4A)
God – Yoyo Wat (and Donald Trump Hands)
Jesus Christ – Angelica Gomes (F.4D)
Albert Einstein – Tammi Li (F.3C)
William Shakespeare- Sophia Tsang (F.4C)
Sound manager: Angel Mak (F.4C)


Mar 2018

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2017-2018 (March, 2018)

Congratulations to Yanni Chan (F.6A) and Vanessa Chiu (F.6D) who were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2017-2018 for their outstanding academic performance, great leadership qualities and good learning attitude in all their endeavours.


Mar 2018

Inter-School Basketball Competitions (October, 2017 to March, 2018)

The Inter-School Basketball Competitions of the three grades were held from October, 2017 to March, 2018. Under the professional guidance and instructions of the coach, students performed at their best in all the matches. As they share the victories and difficult moments together, the bonding is strengthened and their skills are enhanced.

A Grade   B Grade  
Jasmin Cheng 6C Cherry Chow 4C
Chloe Yu 6D Vivian Lou 4D
Sugar Wong 6D Gillian Ng 4D
Nicole Chan 5A Chilli Kwok 4D
Hayley Ting 5B Shison Wong 3D
Stephanie Kwan 5C Wincy Chan 3D
Bebe Lee 5D Wynne Lau 3D
Miko Yuen 5D Elsa Yip 3B
Yvette Lui 4A Jamela Cheung 3A

I am happy to win some of the competitions and gained precious experience throughout these matches. Although we could not enter the final in this season, we will keep on practising and prepare for our next competition. It has been so encouraging when our seniors and graduates came back to support us. With their support we have become stronger and gained more confidence to beat the opponents in the future. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our coach. Without his guidance and support, we would not have been able to excel and unleash our potentials.   Nicole Chan 5A


Feb 2018

Inter-school Athletics Competition (January 30, February 5, February 8, 2018)

The Interschool Athletics Competition was held successfully at the Wan Chai Sports Ground on 30th January, 5th and 8th of February, 2018. Our athletes have achieved marvellous results. Congratulations for the fabulous victory of Kristy Wong(2A) and Chloe Xu (2A), Iris Lao (5A), Nicole Chan(5A), Bebe Lee (5D) and Miki Yuen (5D)! Thank you, once again, for their active participation.

Name Class Event Award
Kristy Wong 2A C Grade 400M 1st Runner-up
Chloe Xu 2A C Grade Shot Put 1st Runner-up
Nicole Chan 5A A Grade 4 x 100 Relay 2nd Runner-up
Iris Lao 5A
Bebe Lee 5D
Miko Yuen 5D


Feb 2018

HKIS Building Surveying Scholarship for Secondary School Students 2017 (February 6, 2018)

Congratulations to Belle Leung (F.5A) and Farah Tam (F.5A) who performed marvelously well in the interview session among other contestants and were awarded the HKIS Building Surveying Scholarship for Secondary School Students 2017.


Feb 2018

第五十四屆學校舞蹈節 (二零一八年二月一日) (甲級獎)

中學組中國舞(群舞): 傣家的女兒, 傣家的雨(傣族)
Zoe Kei 1B, Tsoi 1B, Kristy Wong 2A, Gladys Yiu 2B, Athena Chan 2C, Athena Cheung 2C, Hazel Cheung 2D
Toby Hui 2D, Alva Sin 2D, Vicky Li 3A, Michelle Li 3A, Theone Man 3A, Ricole Kwok 3B, Melanie Lam 3C
Soie Lam 3C, Cherub Lam 3C
Our School’s Chinese Dance Team was established in 2004. The mission of the Team is to cultivate students’ dancing talent by providing regular, professional and all-round training so as to ensure the ongoing development of dance as a vital artistic pursuit.
Our Team has participated in many performances and competitions both inside and outside school. With the hard work of our fellow team members, the school dance team achieved excellent results in the Schools Dance Festival each year. This year, we engaged ourselves in intensive training for 54th School Dance Festival. Performing the dance of Dai minority has offered us a new experience and refined our dancing techniques.
We owe our gratitude to our instructors for their professional guidance. They have not only improved our techniques but also nurtured our creativity.


Jan 2018

2017 Wan Chai District Outstanding Youth Persons Selection (January 20, 2018)

Congratulations to Belva Tam (F.4A) who was awarded the 2017 Wan Chai District Outstanding Youth Award on 20th January, 2018. Belva was among ten young people being selected by the Wan Chai District Youth Program Committee to receive this honour.


Jan 2018

第69屆香港學校朗誦節中文朗誦比賽獲獎 (二零一八年一月)

中五甲班 許倩怡、中五丁班 高嘉禧 粵語二人朗誦 冠軍
中三丙班 陳思穎 普通話散文朗誦 季軍


Jan 2018

「2017 第三屆全港青少年進步獎」 (二零一八年一月)



Dec 2017

69th Hong Kong Schools English Speech Festival (November to December, 2017)

Congratulations to our winners who performed marvelously well in the 69th Hong Kong Schools English Speech Festival:


Dec 2017

第六屆香港青少年藝術展 (二零一七年十二月三十日)

My drawing is about the 70s of Hong Kong. I used black and white colour to create the feeling of nostalgia. Through this painting, I would like to remind people not to eliminate the old things. We should cherish and protect them.
3B Joyce Pang