Academic Subjects

PE Department


  • Promote education, nurture positive values and attitudes, through the physical.
  • Develop student’s physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety.
  • Engage students in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active lifestyle.
  • Help students to develop lifelong healthy lifestyle and maintain it.
  • Cultivate generic skills like collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and aesthetic appreciation.

Goals to be Achieved

The PE Department emphasizes the development of:

  1. physical skills which will enable participation in a wide variety of activities.
  2. physical fitness and sound functioning body systems for an active life
  3. knowledge and understanding of physical and social skills, physical fitness, scientific principles of movement, and the relationship of exercise to personal well-being.
  4. social skills and positive relationships with others.
  5. emotional balance which enables students to handle stress and think positively. In case of unstable emotional state, the students should know how to seek help and release stress through participating in sports activities.
  6. positive attitudes including an appreciative heart, a positive self-concept, respect for others and confidence to strive for excellence.
  7. spiritual formation that enables the students to seek the meaning of life. Through the variety of physical activities, potentials of the students will be stretched and a good moral standard will be upheld.




Contact Us

Address: 9-13, Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Telephone: 2587 2700

Fax: 2529 1758
