Extended Learning Week (August 1 to 5, 2022)
The Extended Learning Week was successfully held in early August. Various activities were organised in different levels to broaden exposure and consolidate learning. These include workshops on careers guidance, counselling, and sex and health education. The outdoor adventures such as horse riding and sports training were equally well-received.
The Chinese culture experiential learning, being another highlight, has engaged students in fun activities featuring traditional Chinese practices and cultural heritage.
The radiant smiles, team spirit and friendship gained are testimony to the success of the extended learning week.
Leadership Training Camp (16 July, 2022)
After a series of engaging warm-up activities, students were ready for outdoor adventures that aim at boosting team spirit and enhancing leadership skills. The end of this fruitful half-day programme marked the beginning of their way to becoming competent leaders.
Through engaging in meaningful and challenging tasks, we were enlightened. I am amazed by the power of perseverance and teamwork, and how fun can be derived from overcoming obstacles and solving problems together.
“Many hands make light work.” As companions, we achieve more.
Yuri Po 4B & Angela Lai 4D
Graduation Ceremony (July 9, 2022)
It was our pleasure to have our alumna, Dr. Crystal Fok, as our guest-of-honour at the Graduation Ceremony.
Dr. Crystal Fok shared with our graduates her experience in how she adapted to the new environment after graduating high school, and then in the workforce, and that our graduates should always keep adapting, and keep learning new things in order to achieve their life goals and be a well functioning member of society.
On behalf of all the graduates, our Head Prefect, Kelly Tam, delivered her heartfelt speech expressing their gratitude for the school and parents, who have nurtured them into confident young ladies ready to take up new challenges and contribute to society with their God-given talents. Indeed, graduation is not an end, but the start of a new chapter for our passionate youngsters.
IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools Programme (January – July, 2022)
Our school has joined the “IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools Programme” launched by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The three-year programme (2020-2023) aims to cultivate the interest of secondary school students in IT, enhance their innovative thinking and foster an IT learning atmosphere. A series of activities were jointly organized by our school and external bodies during January, April, May and July 2022 to equip our students with knowledge of the latest technologies and innovations.
These activities cover a broad range of topics, including:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Basic Course
IoT Coding Basic Course
Python Coding Basic Course
3D Projection Mapping (AR) Course
VR Coding Course
AI Experience Course Level 2
With a wide range of programs, students’ abilities to integrate and apply knowledge and skills are strengthened and their innovation and creativity are nurtured.
「JA網上香港青年創意實驗概念店」計劃 (19-2-2022)
按此 細閱報道。
《小嘴巴‧大世界 – 主持人培訓計畫》(16-2-2022)
中五甲張湉楠同學及中五丙王靜熎同學較早前參加由香港中華文化發展聯合會及新城知訊台合辦的第五屆《小嘴巴‧大世界 – 主持人培訓計畫》。兩位同學接受了由資深節目主持人的訓練,包括電台廣播理論、節目籌劃、資料搜集、正音訓練、主持及訪問技巧後,於清談節目《小嘴巴‧大世界》內擔任助理主持,就文化、藝術、歷史等主題參與電台節目製作及錄音。
兩位同學已於2月16日順利完成錄音,主題分別為身心靈發展及個人了解成長,有關內容將於3月1日及3月8日(星期二),下午4時至6時,於新城知訊台 FM99.7《世界隨意門》節目之「小嘴巴‧大世界」環節內播出。

Christmas Celebration (21 December, 2021)
The Christmas Celebration was successfully held on 21st December, 2021. This has been a day that Franciscans look forward to every year. The whole school gathered in the hall and enjoyed the Christmas vibes together with all teachers and schoolmates. A brand new event, the Christmas showcase, was organised this year, allowing students to unleash their hidden talents through performing with teachers on stage! An array of performances including dancing, singing and drama were staged. Festivity filled the hall as everyone cheered and applauded for the magnificent performances. We were amazed not only by the hidden talents of the performers, but the close bonding they had established. The lucky draw and the fascinating games prepared by the Student Association added lustre to the day. May these precious moments shared among Franciscans be our drive to work hard, live well and go far!

Form 1 Admission Information day 2021 (中一入學資訊日2021)
The Form 1 Online Admission Talk 2021 for Primary 5 and 6 students and parents was
successfully held on 4 December 2021. You may access the links below to revisit the
different sessions of the talk.
Links (連結): Admission Procedures and Application form (申請程序及申請表格)
Links (連結): SFCC Prospectus (嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院學校概覽)
National Constitution Day (3 December 2021)
With the aim of enhancing public awareness of the Constitution, promoting its spirit, strengthening its implementation and advancing China’s overall law-based governance, the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress has designated 4 December as the “Constitution Day”.
To enhance students’ understanding of the Constitution, our school has organized a series of programmes in December. The meaning and importance of National Constitution and National Security were explained to students using public announcement system, through an inter-class competition and a talk by Mr. Albert So, the Chairman of Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre. The whole school participated in the National and Regional Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 3 December, 2021.
English Fun Day (3 December 2021)
It has been a fun and fruitful day for Franciscans! Following the flag raising ceremony and St. Francis Feast Day celebration, the whole school gathered at the basketball court for the kick-off ceremony of the English Fun Day. As our principal Mr. Law and our guests from Headstart popped the confetti cannons, the festival began!
Creativity and artistic flair of our students were manifested through the
Twelve game booths designed and set up by senior form classes. Our Student English Ambassadors were all around the campus charismatically and cheerfully conversing with guests and students. Festivity and blissfulness filled every corner of the school. From classrooms to the amphitheater, from the English cafe to the classrooms where iPad games were played, students and teachers were having fun chatting and playing games in English!
The long queue in front of the prize-redemption counter was another amazing sight! Indeed, the radiant smiles and cheerful noises are the best rewards!
Special thanks to our Primary Six students from SFCS for joining us on this special day!

English Ambassadors Scheme

Leadership training camp for club exco members (20 November, 2021)
The training camp kicked off with Student Association leading participants to have some warm-up games. Then, the mentors introduced some exciting games to consolidate exco members’ leadership skills such as collaboratively managing several difficult movements, catching neighbour’s ball in a circle, etc. We were fully engaged in team building games and giving our best efforts in order to win. Yet, we earned not only points, but trust among team members. What a fruitful day!

School Major Concerns Information Day and Installation Ceremony (13 October, 2021)
The School Major Concerns Information Day was held on 13 October. F.4 and 5 classes witnessed this significant event in the hall, whereas the rest of the students watched the live broadcast at their respective classrooms as our Principal, teachers and student leaders gave their presentations in the hall. The two major concerns of our school are as follows:
- Fostering students’ autonomy in learning through Reading to Learn
- Cultivating positive thinking in students and empowering them to be persevering and resilient in the face of challenges
It was followed by students’ sharing on various scholarships, awards and gifted programs offered by the school. At last, the installation ceremony was held. Our Principal Mr. Law inaugurated the head prefects, representatives of monitresses and the executive committee of four houses and the student leaders of various functional teams who pledged to do their best to serve the school and their fellow schoolmates faithfully in the coming year. Congratulations to all our newly installed student leaders!

Leadership workshop for team leaders (9 October, 2021)
This workshop aims at strengthening team leaders’ public speaking skills. We are glad to have Mr VivekMahbubani as our guest speaker. He illustrated ways to speak with a sense of humour and boosted our confidence through various activities such as observation and role plays. Near the end of the workshop, participants paired up to have a “sell-my-friend” exercise. Students were asked to present their partner’s interests and one hidden fact in a funny way. We have not just had lots of fun, but also become funnier speakers. His comedy tips has worked magic!

National Flag Hoisting Ceremony (30 September, 2021)
To celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the Flag Raising Ceremony was held on September 30, 2021. All teachers and students participated in the solemn ceremony. We gave our heartfelt gratitude to our fellowmen for the contribution and sacrifice they made in building up a strong China. Members of the Red Cross Association and Civic Leaders of senior forms served in the program with pride.

SA Election (8 September 2021)
The election of the executive committee of the Student Association was successfully held on September 8. After months of preparation, the two cabinets - Soteria and Nova challenged each other on the stage. Both cabinets had to solve different tasks and answer questions prepared by the outgoing SA exco. The 16 potential executive committee members demonstrated strong team spirit, confidence and dedication. After a very close match and voting by students, Soteria emerged as the winner and becomes the executive committee of the Student Association of the academic year 2021-2022. Congratulations!

F.1 Orientation and Parents' Day (4 September 2021)
This is one of the most important occasions of the year as we welcomed our new Form One students and their parents. The programme started with our Principal, Mr. Kenneth Law’s speech welcoming the Form One students and parents to the big family of St. Francis’ Canossian College. This was followed by the sharing of teachers of various functional teams giving useful information that help our newcomers thrive and succeed in St. Francis’. Lastly a prize presentation to students who performed marvelously well in summer bridging programs brought the introductory session in the hall to a close. The students and parents then proceeded to respective classrooms to meet their Form Teachers. This half-an-hour meeting marked the beginning of the building of a good rapport between Form Teachers and parents.
We wish our Form One students a fruitful and enjoyable school life in St. Francis’!

School Re-opening (1
September, 2021)
A warm welcome to all Franciscans as we enter the new academic year! As the whole school
gathered in the hall, we gave thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon the
school throughout the past 152 years.
Our Principal, Mr. Law, reminded students of the importance of goal-setting and time
management, which are the prerequisites for success. Representatives from the discipline
team and academic team briefed our schoolmates on the regulations and highlights of the
new academic year. Students were also reminded of the MOI policy of the school and the
importance of collaboratively establishing an English-rich environment inside and
outside the classroom.
“Education is the moulding of the heart.” - St. Magdalene of Canossa
May the Lord grant us wisdom and courage as we follow the footsteps of our Foundress -
to live a life of charity in humility.

Summer Bridging Programme
2021 (August 16 - August 20, 2021)
The Summer Bridging Programme 2021 has come to an end. The new Form One students spent
five days in August in preparation of a smooth transition from their primary to
secondary school life.
The programme began with a welcome speech delivered by the School Principal, followed by
an introduction by our Vice Principal and a briefing on the school regulations by the
Discipline Master. They also met their Form and Co-form teachers and classmates of the
new academic year. Besides having lessons of the three core subjects, English, Chinese
and Mathematics, the newcomers were introduced to different school teams and clubs
through participating in various activities organized by the student leaders.
The five-day programme has been a great success. The face masks could not hide the
radiant smile and the excitement of our new comers as they engaged in the fun and
innovative activities designed to welcome them to this big family of St. Francis!

School Company Parent
Program (10th April, 2021 to 9th July,2021)
19 students from F.4 and F5 classes have participated in the School Company Parent
Program (SCP) organized by the Young Entrepreneurs Development Council (YDC). Partnered
with the UST Alumni Association this year, our students gained real-life experiences and
inspiration from company ambassadors from different walks of life.
Our team was awarded “The Best Performance of School-Company Partnership”. Emily Lai
(5A), one of our students, served as one of the MCs at the closing ceremony.
Participants have had a unique and enriching experience and learnt to set goals that
prepare them for their future careers.
Leadership Training Camp
in June (30 June, 2021)
This year’s leadership training camp encourages creativity and ingenuity, with a focus on
thinking outside of the box. Our student leaders were given ample opportunities of
hands-on tasks and collaborative work which enlightened the mind and stretched their
The training has been an eye-opener - helping me see the needs of the participants when
we organize school events. It also opens my eyes to the many possibilities and motivates
me to take action to realize them!
Jessie Ho (9) F. 4A
Raising of National Flag
(30 June, 2021)
To celebrate the 24th anniversary of the China’s resumption of the exercise of
sovereignty over Hong Kong, the National Flag and Regional Flag raising ceremony was
held on June 30, 2021. All teachers and Form 1 students participated in the solemn
ceremony after understanding the meaning and design of the national flag of the People's
Republic of China. This was followed by an introduction of the history of the national
anthem. Members of the Red Cross Association and Civic Leaders of senior forms served in
the program with pride. Let’s have a look at their reflection below:
“I felt particularly proud as I reviewed the major events Hong Kong and our motherland
have gone through in the past 24 years. It has strengthened my sense of national
identity. I will never forget this special experience whenever I see the National
fluttering proudly against the clear sky.”
“It is my honour to serve in the National Flag Raising Ceremony. We tried our best to
serve the school and our country seriously in this solemn ceremony. This precious
opportunity has helped me equip myself to be a confident student leader and a
responsible citizen in the future.”
“I am honoured and grateful to be the student leader in the National Flag Raising
Ceremony. It is truly a moment of pride, joy and honor to see the flag flying in
majesty. The event has deepened my understanding about the close relationship
Hong Kong and China in the last 24 years and in the years to come.”