Debating Team |
School Calendar |
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“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle The English Debating Team has been quite busy over the past couple of years with a junior team and a senior team competing in various inter-school competitions including the HKPTU Debating Competition, the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition, the Wah Yan Kowloon Junior Inter-school Debating Tournament, the CityU Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge as well as the Sing Tao Inter-school Debating Competition. The results have also been very encouraging. The competitions have given our students the chance to develop critical thinking and analytical skills in addition to boosting their confidence when speaking to an audience. Even when a motion does not seem to be in our favour, the team members have been able to hammer out arguments that have successfully convinced adjudicators to declare them winners and award them best speakers. The long hours of debate preparation have not been in vain as the skills and language that have been gained will forever be with the team members. It is hoped that the success of the English Debating Team will serve as a reminder to all that hard work really does pay off.
中文辯論隊![]() 為配合全人發展的理念,讓同學在學術以外追求卓越,我校特設立中文辯論隊,培養同學的邏輯思維及演說應對技巧,並多接觸社會議題,增加對時事的認識,從而擴闊同學多元思維的知識領域,更希望同學在比賽中培養團隊精神和面對勝敗的情操。 近年,我校辯論隊積極參與不同辯論比賽和活動,包括星島日報全港校際辯論比賽、基本法多面體全港中學生辯論賽、香港大律師公會辯論賽、思辯盃全港校際辯論邀請賽及聯校中文辯論比賽等。通過多場公開比賽及友誼賽,由賽前資料搜集及討論,到台上即場應變,同學不斷嘗試實踐所學,表現自信和合作。在辯論隊中,隊員除了在思維及口才上日漸進步,更增進了不少友誼,體會群體合作精神,享受彼此鼓勵支持的經歷,令中學生活更充實,更值得回味。 除參與校外比賽等活動外,中辯隊也邀請導師,開設訓練班,培訓和指導同學,同時舉辦級內辯論比賽,好讓同學有更多機會彼此切磋,爭取實戰經驗。 十年樹木,百年樹人,學習乃是漫長的過程,期望透過不斷的努力和訓練,同學得以培養自信的個性,在技巧和思維上有所成長,帶動承先啟後的文化,建立更深厚的校園歸屬感。