To enable students to:
- appreciate and develop positive attitudes and values for the well-being of individuals, families and society
- be responsible citizens and informed consumers, willing to contribute to the well-being of individuals, families and society
- demonstrate good use of management and organisational skills in handling resources
- apply knowledge to analyse relevant factors contributing to the well-being of the individuals, families and society
- devise and implement strategies independently to solve problems by using a range of appropriate techniques and procedures
- foster an aesthetic sense and to stimulate ideas of creativity
- evaluate the impact of social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological developments on the well-being of individuals, families and society
- further their lifelong learning in food or fashion-related fields
Students are expected to be able to:
- evaluate the nature, properties and functions of food and apply scientific principles for food selection and preparation
- develop positive values and attitudes to make informed decisions that foster a healthy lifestyle and promote the regular practice of adopting good eating habits for individuals as well as families
- develop social enquiry skills for seeking, interpreting, analysing and evaluating information for effective decision-making relevant to family life
- understand the technological advances in food manufacturing and production techniques have resulted in an increased variety of food products available in the marketplace
- be aware of hygiene and safety issues in food preparation
- acquire the knowledge on environmental protection and sensible use of resources
- make use of a good aesthetic sense for wardrobe planning, creating a personal style and image, evaluating fashion design and making household articles and clothing
- develop and apply information technology skills to gathering, processing and analysing information for projects
- cultivate and apply generic skills in tackling and resolving problems and dilemmas at individual, family and societal levels
Teaching and learning activities
Apart from classroom lectures, various learning activities such as visits, talks, cooking demonstrations, project work and competitions are organized for students to broaden their horizons in the ever-changing society and arouse their awareness of science and technological development related to food and kitchen. Moreover, cooking workshops are arranged for students to cultivate their interest in cooking. Joyful Fruit Day is also held to promote healthy eating habits among students.
