The general aims of the course are to enable students to:
- make careful observations, ask relevant questions, identify problems and formulate hypotheses for investigations;
- recognize the importance of evidence in supporting, modifying or refuting proposed scientific theories;
- develop the ability to think scientifically and creatively;
- acquire an analytical mind to critically evaluate biology-related issues;
- identify the pros and cons of the application of biological knowledge for informed decision-making;
- plan and conduct scientific investigations individually or collaboratively with appropriate instruments and methods, collect quantitative and qualitative information with accuracy, analyze data and draw conclusions for problem-solving;
- use information technology to process and present scientific information;
- communicate ideas and views effectively with others, using the language of science;
- show an interest in the study of biology, appreciate the wonders and complexity of Nature, and show respect for all living things and the environment;
- recognize their responsibility for conserving, protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment;
- develop positive values and attitudes towards adopting a healthy lifestyle;
- be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge and appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the living world; and
- be aware of the appreciation of biological knowledge in society and its social, ethical, economic and environmental implications.
The development directives of the course are to enable students to:
- acquire knowledge and develop an understanding of biological principles, concepts, terms and facts;
- apply biological knowledge and concepts to familiar and unfamiliar situations;
- show an understanding of the application and uses of biological knowledge in daily life; and
- develop an understanding of current issues and developments in biology.

Teaching and learning activities apart from classroom lecture
Various teaching approaches are used to enhance the effectiveness of student learning. Apart from classroom lectures, different kinds of student-centred learning activities are organized, e.g. group discussion, scientific investigation, dissection experiments, field trips on rocky shore, grassland as well as woodland.
Other teaching strategies
In order to cater for learner diversity, lunchtime enrichment and remedial programmes are organized to further develop the potential of both the high and low achievers.
To stimulate students’ interest in learning Biology and to enhance their scientific literacy, students are highly encouraged to participate in external competitions, e.g. Biology Olympiad, Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition and Field Study Competition. Through these competitions, students are not only motivated to further explore our living world, but are also given a chance to show their talents and build up their self-confidence.
